Chapter 18: Engaged costume maker

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,,Yes...yes and thousand times yes!!" Y/n said happily and kissed Erik's lips. He blushed so sweetly after that. ,,And when?..." she asked after a while. ,,Whenever you are ready" Erik answered. He was blushing like it was some tricky theme. Y/n gave him a kind smile. ,,I have to go up there... I'll be kicked out anyways....I didn't finish my work... Before I left with you... I have to accept their anger. I promise you to come back soon" she whispered and wanted to get on the boat but Erik catched her hand. ,,No...No, Y/n...I won't let anyone yell at you... No one is gonna vilify my fiancée..." he looked at her caring and worried. Y/n smiled again. Was this really a man who once killed people?
,,I have to, my dear" she caressed his head. ,,Don't you worry and wait here for me. I beg you" she whispered to him. ,,Kiss me first" he told her blushing a bit. Y/n giggled and gave him a quick kiss. ,,Wait here for me...Don't follow me. If they would yell at me you wouldn't hold up your anger....And neither one of us want another tragedy" she warned him. He nodded. ,,I understand" Y/n was satisfied. Erik respected her decision and didn't try to change it like her former lover did. He really had his qualities. He helped her by taking her by the boat and said goodbye to her in front of the mirror secret door. Y/n was afraid. What if they will be too rude? She decided not to care and stress.
A surprise was that their reaction on her comeback was completely different. A ballerina who saw her as the first person smiled surprised. ,,Come here! Come here! Y/n is here! Unharmed!" she yelled happily.
Everyone ran to see. Meg who was worried about her the most ran to hug her. ,,Y/n! My Y/n! I was so worried! The managers told us that you disappeared at night. That your work was unfinished and you you would vanish" ,,I kind of vanished" Y/n admitted and was glad that everyone were there. ,,I won't work here for long anymore....I tell you so you have a time to find a new costume maker....I am gonna marry" she said finally. The managers and others were shocked at first but since Meg began to clap her hands they all made an applause for Y/n like a congratulation for her engagement.

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