Chapter 17: Be my angel

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   Erik began to cry like a little boy. And he had a real reason...Y/n just kissed him. He was kissed once before by Christine but that was a kiss from pity for a man who never was kissed and also to save Raoul. But Y/n kissed him from love. From the pure love. That made him cry. Y/n caressed his cheeks and wiped his tears. Then softly pulled off his mask. ,,No, please..." he sobbed. ,,Shhh, it's alright. You are beautiful..." she whispered to him while removing his mask. She wanted to see him without any covering. She loved him just the way he was. ,,I hope I can heal your broken heart" he told her after a while. Y/n nodded sadly remembering her former lover. ,,He was my first love....I was seventeen when I fell in love with him. Our relationship was secret. Because we....." she blushed a bit. ,,We made love out of the wedlock. And then.....he found another woman....and just left me alone. And told me that I will end up an old maid because no one is going to marry me when I'm not a virgin anymore..." she told him. ,,Bastard..."
Erik whispered. ,,Liar....he was the one no woman should marry. He is the bad one... You made love with him because you loved him....but he made love with you and the other girls not because he'd love them....but because he's a perverse...."  Y/n was so touched by Erik's words. ,,And you? Were you seriously in love with....her?" she didn't want to say Christine's name. It could hurt him. ,,Yes..." Erik nodded with a sad smile. ,,I loved her....I loved her my whole life but I've never touched her. I wouldn't ever do that...." his words were so pure. Y/n didn't want to seem indecent and to ask him anything she already knew but she wanted to be sure in her thoughts. ,,You don't have to answer me if you don't want a virgin, Erik?" she asked shyly and Erik giggled a bit blushing. ,,Well...yes, I am" he said with hidden insecurity. ,, Don't you mind?" he asked and Y/n put her arms around his neck to hold him. ,,How can you even think so? I love you, Erik...I love you no matter what" Erik guessed that it was the right time and kneed down in front of her. He was ready to give her the ring Christine presented him. He slowly put it on her finger. ,,Y/n....dear...marry me my angel..."

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