Chapter 22: Wedding day

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Everything was ready. Erik gently sewed the last button on the beautiful wedding dress which Y/n had already on. It was even more beautiful than the dress he made for Christine once. It was pure white with silver buttons and long sleeves with lace. Her hair was braided and had beautiful veil up on her head. ,,You look so nervous" Erik who wore his best suit said. ,,Such a nonsense. People say that when a groom sees a bride's dress before the wedding it won't happen. I know it's nonsense. But I am nervous about it" Y/n admitted. ,,Don't worry, my dear" Erik caressed her hair. ,,It's really a nonsense" he comforted her. ,,I know..." the bride smiled happily and looked at her groom's white mask. He looked like a real gentleman. They held each other by their hands. Y/n talked to the priest a day ago.
It was a warm spring afternoon. Erik and Y/n took a carriage to Madeleine. The church was bigger than the beautiful bride expected and squeezed Erik's hand. Erik was nervous too hoping that the pastor wouldn't be so curious to wonder why he's masked. They walked inside where their priest already waited. Erik disappeared before he'd notice them and began to play the organ. Y/n gasped. It was the most beautiful and sensitive wedding march she had ever heard. When she walked slowly with her bouquet of red roses to the priest she was in ecstasy. When Erik stopped playing he walked right to them and gently took the bride's hand. The priest took the book and made a speech. Then Erik was supposed to talk. He thought he was rather gonna faint but he had to hold on. ,,I, Erik Destler, take you, Y/n Y/sn, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part" he said and gently put a ring on her finger. Y/n was in tears of joy and repeated. I, Y/n Y/sn, take you, Erik Destler, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part..." The priest looked deep into Erik's eyes. ,,You may now kiss the bride..." he told him. Erik thought he was dreaming. His dream came true. He was marrying a woman he loved and who loved him. Y/n leaned to him so he could kiss her. They both were tearing up. Was that actually true or they were in a dream?
They walked back to the underground lair quite late. They had a walk in the park before. In the opera house was a training of the orchestra that day. The new-weds didn't expect it but when they heard that on Y/n's face appeared a smile. ,,What?" the groom asked. She took his hands gently. ,,This....what happens up there is probably supposed to be our first dance as a husband and wife" she whispered to him. Erik smiled happily and put his hand around her waist. He was amateur in dance but tried to follow Y/n's voice. They both felt like they wouldn't even dance but fly.... Y/n looked at Erik lovingly and caressed his left cheek. ,,Aren't you hungry?" she asked him. ,,No" he answered the same thing as always. Y/n giggled. ,,If I didn't ask I wouldn't know anyways" Erik giggled too. ,,Well, you're my wife know, you must get used" Y/n caressed his hair and neck. ,,I'll also teach you now....and help you to become my husband really...." she whispered to him.

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