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Hey guys! We're finally on the last chapter! Thank you very much for all of your support, I couldn't have done it without you guys who waits for my updates! This fanfic may not be good or exciting as Tsukishima's, but I loved everything I wrote here. I'm happy because you guys said that reading this felt healing for some of you. Thank you for going through this journey with me, I hope you guys enjoy this!

By the way, Turning Page by Sleeping At Last on the multimedia!

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The sunlight peeked through the white curtains Oikawa has in his room—perfectly hitting his face

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The sunlight peeked through the white curtains Oikawa has in his room—perfectly hitting his face. Ever since he moved in this apartment, this has been his own alarm clock when he didn't need to wake up earlier.

However, it wasn't in his plan to wake up like usual since it's his day off. Originally, he and his friends were planning to go clubbing, but he suddenly missed you and lost the previous energy he has. That's why he has been spamming you with "I miss you" and "I wish you were here" messages.

[I miss you, Y/N-chan! I just woke up and have nothing else to do. Are you busy? Please call me~ ('ρ')]

Oikawa was really lonely that he stayed in his bed and stared at his phone, waiting for your reply. It was 6 in the morning in Argentine where he is, so it should be around 6pm now in Japan. He presumed that you were still awake and maybe cooking dinner; so Oikawa waited for around 30 minutes.

But no matter how long he waited, even when he decided to wait while he eats breakfast, you never replied or even read his text. He's not trying to be dramatic and gave you the benefit of the doubt, but the lack of attention from you has been happening frequently.

Although you were still the same when you do get to his messages; still, this could not stop Oikawa from overthinking.

First of all, he was your first love from high school—which was a time for confused teens. It's not guaranteed that you're sentiments for him won't change; and second, you two have been in a long distance relationship ever since third year high school. Even if you did meet a couple of times by staying a week or two in each other's apartments when the other is in the country, the chance of you meeting another guy and falling out of love with Oikawa, was still higher.

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