Chapter 23: False Alarm

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" like someone?" Masato asked, his expression revealed nothing but heartbroken. You gulped in nervousness at the lie you told—of course you liked everyone. A girl like you, have no clue what it feels to have romantic feelings for someone.

How will you able to differentiate your feelings when you're happy with so many people now?

That's right—the realization you had, was to say that you had liked someone. It was a tip Hikari gave you, while she was saying that it's better to say you liked someone than turn them down without anything; it might get them think that there's a problem with them. But that was just her opinion, and you thought she was right since this was all new to you.

However, when you said you those words, a smiling Oikawa popped in your mind. Then your heart swelled with longing, that it really hurt and you were in pain. As an oblivious teen, you got nervous that you might be having health problems.

"Yeah...I-I'm sorry." You softly said, as your eyes averted to your feet. You were feeling torn for some reason. Anxiety settled in your heart as you clenched your fists.

"It's okay, Kyotani-san. I understand." Masato said with a smile, and because of it, you felt a little at ease.

But, it seems that you were relieved for nothing.

"But don't have feelings for Oikawa-san," he said. "I'm saying this, because he is the only guy I see, that is close to you."

You blinked in confusion at Masato's words. He was obviously serious, based on his tone. The atmosphere got tense, and you felt like someone had thrown a bucket of cold water over your head.

Oikawa, who was currently listening, also widened his eyes in shock. He didn't have a clue as to why this guy he doesn't know, was doing this.

What was Masato's motive for saying this?

"W-What...?" You breathe.

"Oikawa-san will just play with your heart. So many girls; he leads them on and leaves them hanging. He is just a scum that uses his popularity to play with his fangirl's feelings. I'm giving you a sincere advi—," Masato wasn't able to finish what he was saying when you abruptly interrupted him.

"Stop. Stop it." Although your voice was still soft, it was obvious that you were serious and firm. You gave him a glare which made him nervous.

"You said it yourself, Masato-san," you paused as you tried to not look as angry as you are inside. "They are Tooru-kun's fangirls. They wouldn't be one if they didn't admire him, so how dare you trample with those admirations? It's not like Tooru-kun asked them to like him."

You were calling him by his name again. But only Oikawa noticed this, because what you were so focused on, was defending him from slanders. Your heart was pounding so loud that you suddenly felt energized and powerful.

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