Chapter 10: Stand On My Own

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You gulped as your fingers fidgeted out of nervousness

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You gulped as your fingers fidgeted out of nervousness. Oikawa and you are currently inside the equipment room with only a small light illuminating your faces.

His eyes were darting everywhere but you. Because of your reactions, it looks like a love confession was going to happen. But inside a cramp and dark room instead of a pretty garden around the school.

Luckily for you, privacy was guaranteed because of the girls who were threatening all of the people who wanted to scoop some juicy information. Except what you want to say was nothing like they expected.

Why the hell am I nervous? Oikawa asked himself. He already had experience where myriads of girls confessed to him, but he was never anxious like how he was the first time it happened and now.

Even beads of sweat started to form on his forehead. He was planning to avoid you as you wished since he had this sense of protection when it comes to you, and he concluded that you really have problem with guys other than your brother. But when you plead him to talk to you, he felt his heart stirring, and found himself inside the room with you.

"O-Oikawa-san..." Your voice came out almost as a whisper, even though you tried not to.

"I...I'm sorry...for the things I've said to you. I...I was conceited for thinking that...that you were...interested in me..." You were whispering to last three words. A flush crept up your cheeks out of embarrassment. You wanted the ground to suddenly open and eat you right now, or just be invisible.

Oikawa raised his hands to you while shaking them with his head, "No! I mean, you don't have to apologize. I got carried away." And expected that you liked me like all the girls that approaches me. He thought.

"It's my fault." He added and gave you an apologetic smile. Your heart fluttered at the thought that he really is a good guy.

"T-The...t-the thing is...I can't get close to males. When they touch me...I...I panic and certain...memories comes back to me." Your voice was shaking as you said those words. Surprisingly, tears weren't threatening to fall, and maybe that's because it's not your traumatic experience that you are sharing at the moment. And perhaps it's because majority already knows that you avoid guys.

It was the first time that you're sharing something about you again, that even you haven't told the girls yet. Although they most likely figured it out.

"Other than Kentaro...I can't approach another guy." You stuttered again. But Oikawa didn't mind and he sees what you're saying. When you talk to your brother, your voice doesn't shake as much and your sentences are straight. He concluded that you gathered your strength to talk to him right now, and he admired you for even trying even though you're scared and uncomfortable.

"But...I want you to know...that I'm thankful that you helped me, O-Oikawa-san..."

"Kyotani-san, you don't have to push yourself. I understand your situation, and you don't have to worry about it spreading..." He couldn't continue what he was saying when you interrupted him.

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