Chapter 28: Aoba Johsai VBC

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Note: It was shown to us in the anime that Aoba Johsai started their match in the Spring Tournament against Date Tech. So although in the manga, they had a first round match with another team, I'll go here with the anime and just mention it. That's all, enjoy!


"Y/N-chan! Here!" Hikari vigorously waved at you as she stood beside Momo and Chiyo. They were all wearing teal-colored t-shirts, and Chiyo was hugging one against her chest as well.

Your heart was still pounding as loud pants came out of your mouth from all the running you did just to arrive in front of Sendai Gymnasium; but the feeling of relief came when you finally saw your friends.

"I'm...sorry for...being late." You wheezed when you approached them.

"It's fine, Y/N-chan! What's important is that you're here now!" Hikari excitedly squealed and she attempted to get a hug from you—if it weren't for Momo who pulled her immediately.

"The game's already starting, let's go."

Then the four of you ran through the corridors of the gymnasium, earning glances from volleyball players that loitered around. A thought came in your mind that if Akane was with you, you guys wouldn't just get glances of curiosity. Especially when she's with Hikari.

You wouldn't really mind though, but unfortunately; Ritsu, Mayu, Akane, and Riko aren't able to go with the four of you because they have classes to make up for. They were all sad about it since after the tournament is over, that's when you'll leave.

The reason why you missed the first round match yesterday was also connected to your departure. Since Kentaro wasn't able to help pack things that much because of practice and the Spring Tournament, you and your stepmother did almost all the work. You felt really bad about the fact that your friends lied to Oikawa to help you and yet, you weren't even in their first match.

Your friends lied to him again, saying that an emergency came up. He was really worried but they assured him that everything's fine. Oikawa sent you a message after that, with a photo of him, smiling, because they won the first round.

It was not the fact that your stepmother peeked behind you when you received the message and teased you about it, that made you blush and feel giddy inside. Though the Great King's smile was a part of the reason, it was more because you realized how wonderful Oikawa Tooru really is.

He is hardworking and acknowledges his flaws. Though he can get all snarky and sarcastic, he's really nice and never looks down on anyone. Almost everyone sees him as a confident and talented person, but the truth was, Oikawa has a lot of insecurities about himself. He knows his weaknesses but sometimes, he can't accept them.

He's harsher to himself than anyone else.

"There they are!" Hikari pointed at the direction where your other schoolmates who also wore teal-colored shirts was. They sat in front of Aoba Johsai's banner while chanting the cheer in unison.

You all rushed to immediately look at the play and saw that they were still at the first set. You had a grasp of what's going on since you know something about volleyball because of Kentaro and Oikawa. And it looks like Aoba Johsai's at its set point.

"Looks like our team will win the first set," Momo commented and gave you a side glance with a playful smile. However, you didn't notice it since you were focused on watching Oikawa and finding Kentaro who glared at the game he wasn't on.

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