Chapter 16: Festival Part 2

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The sound of plastic clanking together made by the fake handcuffs that binds you and Oikawa together, was awfully noisy for you. Because it was a constant reminder of your upcoming doom.

Earlier, when you and Oikawa were looking around the school in your Howl's Moving Castle costume, some other students of Aoba Johsai decided to handcuff you together.

Apparently, they're second years who decided to have a Jail Booth for their class' activity and they catch "couples"—wether they're a student of the school or not.

Of course, it goes without saying that both of you frantically denied that you are not a couple while both blushing hard, but the students who caught you didn't believe it.

And to free yourselves, the prisoners have to pay a certain amount as bail money. However, you were dragged by Honoka to the garden without your phone and wallet, while Oikawa rushed to find you without any of them either. He only had a few coins which is not enough and he doesn't even know where it came from. So paying is not an option.

But there's an alternative way to not be held for two hours inside the made-up jail with other real couples. It's to try out the other class' Horror House, who they collaborated with.

They were pretty confident that you'll have a frightening experience. At first, some of the couple underestimated these high schoolers with their Horror House, but they all came out screaming. Even the boys.

That's why right now, while waiting for your turn with Oikawa, you can't stop being anxious. First of all, you hate anything horror related and second, you're too embarrassed to scream like a scaredy-cat since you are going with the volleyball Captain.

Oikawa being careful with you, noticed this tension around you. He instinctively held your hand and in return, your head automatically turns to him. He gave you a reassuring smile.

"You can just close your eyes if you're afraid, Y/N-chan," he said. "I'll lead you all the way out, don't worry."

You felt touched when Oikawa said that and his warmth on your hand actually lessened your anxiety. Since you didn't want to depend on him too much, you tried to calm yourself by breathing slowly.

"Then, please take care of me." You showed him a thankful grin and he returned it. It was convenient that Oikawa offered to help you since you were planning to just look at the floor anyway.

A wild imagination that constantly makes you picture a ghost at night especially when you're almost always alone in the room that you share with Kentaro's mother because she often comes home late. This is why you don't want to risk creating another ghost image in your mind, and you might have a nightmare from this Horror House.

But when the couple in front of you who entered first, came out running as they screeched, your heart was filled with thrill instead. For some reason, it looked like they had fun even though it was scary since they laughed out loud.

Oikawa on the other hand, took a glanced at you cautiously, observing if you were gonna be okay. Though you had your lips pressed into a thin line with an unreadable expression, because you squeezed his hand, he just smiled as his worries faded.

Then it was your turn and the guy who was in charge of unlocking your handcuffs sweat-dropped as he saw that your hands were interlocked with each other. He thought despite denying that you and Oikawa are not in a romantic relationship, you both still had the audacity to be intimate.

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