Chapter 31: Hugs and Tears

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The sun had just set, and the full moon was illuminating the dark sky with the stars. It was the perfect time to just lay down on a rooftop and watch the twinkling lights above.

A beautiful night sky; not befitting an upcoming tears of despair and pain. The moon that seemed to follow your footsteps as you ran to where Oikawa was, felt like it was mocking you—or rather, anticipating to witness something that will break your heart.

It certainly wasn't this beautiful when you confessed to each other.

When you arrived at the same park you two met last week, you were out of breath. But you didn't waste any time and immediately turned your gaze to search for Oikawa's figure.

He was sitting on one of the swings with his head slumped down. It was unknown if he was crying or not. Seeing him like this made your heart ache a lot worse.

Though Oikawa only sent you a message of him, asking you to never leave him, you kind of already guessed that he already knew about your departure and how he found out. You concluded that he just found out today since he wasn't acting any differently for the past few days.

You ran to find him since you wanted to see him as soon as possible, but now that you only need to take a few steps towards him, you hesitated. However, when you heard Oikawa sniffling, you ran again and hugged him tightly.

Oikawa widened his eyes at first, but after recognizing your gentle scent, he stood up and wrapped his arms around you, burying his face on the crook of your neck as he cried. In return, you cradled his head—your fingers in his hair as tears started falling down your cheeks.

Just last week, you two were also hugging in the same place after admitting the feelings you had for each other. Although you two cried, there were mostly tears of joy. Who would've thought that you weren't even official yet, but here you are, crying because you are leaving Miyagi; you are leaving him.

You two haven't even started properly conveying your feelings since Oikawa was busy from all the practicing.

"Don't go...Y/N..." his muffled voice cracked. Your face crumpled at his plea; you wanted to say that you won't, but you didn't want to give Oikawa false hope. So you could only apologize as you two cried continuously...

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."

Hearing your answer tightened Oikawa's embrace while he teared up silently. "I haven't even courted you properly..."

You closed your eyes and savored Oikawa's warmth. When you two first met, you certainly didn't know that he loved hugs and would later be a crybaby. But you were also the same when it comes to him.

And right now, what you two wanted is to not let go of each other.

"I'm okay with long-distance relationship..." You said with a faint smile. Oikawa's body stiffened for a few seconds before he pulled himself from you and you opened your eyes to meet his pretty brown ones.

"I mean I haven't had one, but I think I can manage," you added. Your left hand caressed Oikawa's right cheek and your thumb wiped his tears away. Looking at this boy was making your heart burst with affection. You just want to take him in your arms as long as possible.

Then he suddenly placed his hands on both of your shoulders and enthusiastically asked, "Then, will you be my girlfriend?!"

His sincere eyes were glazed with tears that was coming out of his eyes again. Although both of you don't know the pain of being in a long-distance relationship, you two wanted to take risk. Oikawa have heard from his other friends that long-distance relationships never works, but he didn't let that faze him.

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