Chapter 12: Butterfly Effect

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Note: An adorable Japanese song called "summertime" is above!

"Come on, Y/N-chan! You can do it!" Mayu encouraged as she gestured with her hands, that you continue

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"Come on, Y/N-chan! You can do it!" Mayu encouraged as she gestured with her hands, that you continue. She and Momo, Hikari and Riko are blending amongst the tress that stood tall near the volleyball court of Aoba Johsai.

You shot them a nervous glance one last time, before composing yourself by inhaling and shutting your eyes. The breeze made your newly-styled hair flutter with it and for some reason, it gave you confidence. Your eyes landed on Kentaro's lunchbox before deciding to finally walk to a den full of men.

As your feet approached the door, a coach conveniently came out of it and gave you glance that he always do whenever he sees Oikawa's fangirls.

"Female students are not allowed here, the team's practicing." He stated, it seems that he was tired and one of the main reason was because Oikawa insists on practicing diligently since he doesn't get to after school.

Once again, there's this obstacle that for you, it's difficult to overcome even if it's not for others. They might even laugh at you for stressing over something so simple. But your social anxiety kicks in again. You were like a butterfly that won't fly because of your wings that is slightly tattered on the edges, but flying isn't something impossible yet. However, you're scared just a while ago, and now you're trying to fly again, but there's another hurdle.

The butterfly effect is like doing small things that can impact complex systems or whatnot. It is something like a butterfly flapping its wings could even cause a typhoon. Meaning changes are possible if you try.

It's a concept that you discovered lately and that's what you are trying to remember whenever you encounter problems that are enough to cause you stress.

" brother forgot his lunchbox. His name is Kyotani Kentaro." A little blush made your cheeks red since you were embarrassed that you stuttered. You even forgot that your voice is naturally quiet.

Thankfully, the coach still heard it. And he didn't doubt you even though you sounded like you were making excuses because the wrapping of the lunchbox was familiar.

"I apologize for that," he said, referring to what he said earlier and then he opened the door, "Kyotani! Your sister is looking for you!"

The moment all of the boy's volleyball club member that Kyotani had a sister, their gazes were glued to the entrance where you were at and they were dumbstruck. Even Oikawa's eyes immediately looked for you.

Some of the guys blushed when they saw you and some even started whispering to each other.

"That's Kyotani's sister?! He had a sister?!"

"They don't look alike!"

"She's so pretty!"

"I didn't know that we had a schoolmate that pretty!"

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