Chapter 4: Backfired

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Note: First of all, I have to apologize to all of those who requested the play to be Tangled

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Note: First of all, I have to apologize to all of those who requested the play to be Tangled. To be honest, I do loved the idea from the beginning, but when I throughly thought about it, Sleeping Beauty was more suitable for your supposed character.

Though some of you may think that Tangled is a challenge for the timid and docile character to overcome her reservedness, I firmly disagree. Because in reality, it would cause a lot of stress to an introverted person to suddenly be forced to act cheerful and outgoing.

And instead of slowly coming to enjoy the process, the said person would only grow tired and would wish for the event to come faster so everything can be over.

I'm speaking from experience.

Furthermore, Rapunzel's got a lot of comedic actions, and when a person who has social anxiety have to act like that, we would rather die than be awkward and just embarrass ourselves.

(The audience would probably forget it, but we would always remember it. Always and forever.)

Anyway, I apologize if I got quite passionate about explaining why Tangled wouldn't work. Acting like the optimistic Rapunzel is a dream of most introverts, but we could never do it.

Or maybe I'm just an extra gloomy introvert, is that just me?

Acting like Aurora is tolerable, that's all I have to say.

*   *   *

"Oh, Kyotani, are you here to complain as well?" The teacher who announced the informations about the festival, asked when she saw you opening the door to her office.

Oikawa, who was standing in front of her desk, turned his head towards you when he heard the teacher. He got flustered when he saw the same person he was trying hard to avoid.

When your eyes met, he averted his immediately. And he started frantically asking himself internally, as to why he was avoiding you. You said to pretend like strangers, but he wasn't acting like he didn't know you.

More like a culprit hiding from the authority.

You also sweat-dropped as you timidly approached the teacher's desk, and the atmosphere got awkward when you two tried to act like the other one didn't exist.

"I assume that you don't want to be a lead either?" Your eyes widened as the teacher gave you that look as if she can read minds.

"Yes, I don't understand why...I was picked."

"Oh, I didn't explained it?" The teacher was quite flabbergasted as she stared at both students, and the said students shook their heads.

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