Chapter 1: The Worst

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Hehe. ('ω')


The captain of the volleyball club slouched on his desk with an upset pout plastered on his face. He was still sighing over what happened yesterday, when he mistook the girl as one his admirers, but it turned out that she was looking for Iwaizumi.

It was the first time that something like this happened to him and thus, the frustration.

"Oi, Kusoikawa, I have something for you." Oikawa finally lifted his head as his friend approached him.

Then Iwaizumi placed the unsightly letter on his desk, which made Oikawa's frown deeper. This time, the side where it showed the names greeted him—but Rina's picture was missing. Since yesterday, when they received it.

"Iwa-chan, are you still bragging about the letter that I thought was for me? I get it, okay—," his whiny tone got interrupted by a smack on the back of his head.

"I'm not bragging!" Iwaizumi yelled angrily.

"Then what?!"

Oikawa was a little bit teary as he glared at his friend, and Iwaizumi on the other hand, had his arms folded as he clicked his tongue.

"I think there's some kind of mistake..." he said. "I think the letter is meant to be yours."

Oikawa's head tilted in confusion as he narrowed his eyes. He didn't understand what was happening.

How could it be for him when it clearly says "FOR IWAIZUMI HAJIME", on the envelope.

"I read it yesterday and, I can certainly say that I don't look like I'm sparkling, and you're the one who always gets a bunch of love letters on your shoe locker," Iwaizumi added with a blank face, "Though I already ate the cookies."

A pair of big and pretty brown eyes snapped to the tacky looking love letter that he mistook was his, yesterday afternoon. Oikawa didn't care about the cookies.

Your flushed and shy face flashed in his mind and he put the pieces together. He thought maybe that's why you gave the letter to him while looking all embarrassed.

He thinks you just got his name wrong.

"Rina..." he read the name he thought was yours as a smile graced his lips.

A memory from yesterday also entered his mind; when Yahaba suddenly remembered why you were familiar. It's because Kyotani Kentaro was your brother and Yahaba Shigeru had a shock when he found out.

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