Chapter 26: The Filial Daughter

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Note: Some of you thought that Y/N saying "I love you", was oddly fast--I understand that. However, we should also consider what your character is in this fanfic. Y/N values "I love you" and thinks that it should not be thrown around carelessly. And when she thought about her feelings, she concluded that she liked Oikawa when they first became friends--like how she likes her girl friends. But that feeling changed so she thought it was appropriate to say those three heavy words.

Y/N thought it's only appropriate to tell how you should really feel; and now that she improved for the better and saw that the world beyond cruelty, she's not afraid anymore to tell how she really feels in front of Oikawa who she views as someone who saved her. Oikawa who naturally received an "I love you", would of course reply with those words back as well. They also both grew as a person and this is saying a lot.


The moonlight shone brightly on the midnight sky, along with stars that seem to twinkle in excitement as the two teenagers walked side by side with their cheeks red from the confession that happened moments ago.

Nonetheless, they were still not a couple.

Clueless you, who haven't seen that many teenage movies or shows, didn't know if it was or wasn't mandatory to start dating with someone you confessed to if no rejection occurred. Oikawa who knew you as well, knows that you still weren't ready for dating--regardless of wether you knew about how love confessions works or not.

The boy is indeed disheartened that you two still weren't official. But a half of him is also delighted that he still has a chance to make it special, when the time comes of asking you to be his significant other. Anyhow, he considers this moment as one of his happiest since he knows now that you share his sentiments.

Oikawa felt like nothing of that day could cover the emotions he felt.

Even when the both of you arrived in front of your apartment building, there were still no exchange of words since you two had left the park. Furthermore, it is such a coincidence that your stepmother also happened to be just in time to go upwards--until she saw you under the streetlights.

"Y/N?" She said loud enough for you and Oikawa to turn yours heads towards her direction.

You blinked at your stepmother's figure, before blushing madly when realization dawned. Meanwhile, Oikawa stared back and forth between the two of you since he has never met your stepmother. The guy already has been a visitor in your home, but your stepmother was gone back then.

"O-Okaa-san??" You stammered in shock since your stepmother clearly told you that she might arrive back home at dawn. It was still midnight, but you panicked and thought that you stayed out so late, until she said, "There were some change of plans, so I came home earlier than intended..."

She light-heartedly laughed at your silly expressions but it came out a little odd; and Oikawa sweat-dropped--especially now that he knows what your relationship was with the woman. He's nervous that he invited you to go outside at night, and that he may have gotten you in trouble because of it.

You both shot each other a look before reluctantly walking towards your stepmother.

"Uhh—good evening—Kyotani-san," Oikawa paused several times with his voice sounding shaky and extremely nervous, "I-I apologize for inviting Y/N-chan—," but he wasn't able to finish when your stepmother gestured with her hand that it was fine and no explanation needed.

"I'm not angry, don't worry," she said. "Are you my daughter's boyfriend?"

Your stepmother's straightforward question caused both of your cheeks to burn red. You and Oikawa simultaneously shook your heads as words of denial clumsily came out of your mouths. 

Though a romantic relationship is possible between the two of you--with the confession moments ago as evidence--you two silently came to an agreement to not rush things for now.

"I-I'm Y/N-chan's...friend, Oikawa Tooru." There was hesitation in his first words which you and your stepmother didn't notice. "Nice to meet you, Kyotani-san."

"Nice to meet you too." She nodded and smiled in acknowledgement, and that eased the tension Oikawa felt. It's like he was stealing and got caught red-handed.

"Wait, are you my daughter's partner in the Princess play?" 

"Uh--yes, I was."

Hearing Oikawa's answer, she beamed and her eyes lit up--like a child receiving presents. You let out a nervous laugh when you saw her expression and gave Oikawa an apologetic look.

"She was wonderful, wasn't she?" she started, her tone similar to every doting mother when the conversation's about their child, "It's really a shame that I can only watch her in a video. We had emergency that day so I couldn't come."

She then continued complaining about how the video wasn't taken properly and was shaking almost every time. The woman was sulked at her own child, and Kentaro, being the delinquent that he is, didn't know how to appease his mother since he watched it alone without inviting his friends. He had no one to ask for the recording. Thus you had to ask your friends if they had a recording or pictures of you from the play--and luckily, they did. Some of them even had the file saved in multiple USBs.

Eventually, before your stepmother talk Oikawa's ears off (though he looks like he's enjoying hearing stories about you), you interfered and pointed that it's already late at night and based on Kentaro's schedule, the volleyball team had morning practice now so Oikawa needs to go home and rest.

Your stepmother really liked Oikawa and even praised him in front of you. She also gave hints that it was okay to be in a relationship with him--which you deliberately ignored since your face wasn't thick enough not to get embarrassed in front of Oikawa for your stepmother's behavior.

"That boy was so nice and polite, Y/N. I'm glad that you have a friend like him." She smiled genuinely at you as you two ascended the stairs of the apartment building. The woman knew what your situation was before and could only apologize for not being stable enough to get you a therapist; so she is very happy and proud of you right now.

You nodded at her before linking your arms together and smiling affectionately, "My friends are the best." Then she ruffled your hair and laughed light-heartedly before exclaiming like she forgot something.

"Is there something wrong, Okaa-san?" 

"I have a good news," she started, "The reason why I came home early today, is because of a sudden promotion."

"A promotion? You got promoted?" You asked while smiling happily and your stepmother's achievement.

"Yes, something happened to my colleague and he's now unable to get the promotion. That's why this is so sudden and we're not prepared at all." She added, shaking her head, which made your head tilt in confusion.

"By preparation, do you mean no more overtimes?" You asked and she looked at you for a few seconds before smiling at herself for having you as a daughter. It was understandable why this came to your mind since you were always worried for your stepmother who always took overtime work.

"Well, yes since I'll be having a higher salary. But the preparation I was talking about, is moving places."

"Moving? We're going to move?"

"Yes! We're moving to Tokyo next week! I'm so excited, but we're sure gonna be tired this week!" She laughed gleefully as you felt a lump in your throat and your heart shatter.



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