Chapter 21: Fame

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Shying away, refusing to meet them in the eye and only uttering a few words—appearing as dismissive

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Shying away, refusing to meet them in the eye and only uttering a few words—appearing as dismissive.

At first glance, some people would've mistaken you for being a snob whenever they approach and give you compliments; if it weren't for you being soft-spoken and blushing furiously because of embarrassment. You could take light compliments from your friends but from some random people who were awed by your performance in the play, it was overwhelming. You were practically acting like a malfunctioning robot.

In addition, some guys started talking to you suddenly and there were even some who would invite you at the school's famous confession spot. That's right, instantly some guys started confessing to you. It was astounding.

So far, three had already revealed their affections to you and while they were doing so, your head would always spin as your eyes glued to the floor. Your heart beating so fast out of nervousness that you just wanted the ground to swallow you. Surprisingly though, wether it's actually true or not, two of them said that they were already interested to you even before the play and just gained courage when the festival started since they thought that maybe you don't hate guys.

It was understandable for them to only get the idea during that time since even though you befriended Oikawa, you guys would only interact in the auditorium and the isolated rooftop which was only exclusive to the members of the play. And your girl friends are all with you when you'd talk to him outside the play.

However, your sudden fame wasn't all just because of the play. Although many started adoring you, a few also began showing their disapproval. Of course, their reason was because of that post which was also deleted immediately but some believed the contents to be true. Most of them are girls who liked Oikawa and they think you seduced him since he don't interact much with them anymore.

"Kyotani Y/N-chan!" Someone suddenly yelled behind you and you were startled. You meekly shuddered at the speculation that it was another person who'd drown you in compliments. This time, your soul might just ascend.

But before you begrudgingly turn around, an arm slipped on your shoulders and the person who did, laughed heartily. Making your heart jump in shock at the same time.

"Akane-chan!" You were delighted.

After the festival ended, you guys were given a lot of homework which held some of you back from interacting much like how you used to. So there were some days where you guys would eat and go home together, and a lot of times when you weren't able to.

"I missed you, my baby!" She greeted you with a hug, her tone sounding like she's talking to a baby. "She'll suffocate, Bakane." Chiyo, who was behind her like always, pulled her away from you, resulting your light laughter.

This was a totally different scene, coming from you, who was still staring at the ground while walking months ago. You were blooming with positive energy, though it couldn't be helped that there's still problems since changing only sounds easy.

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