Chapter 13: Trust Me

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For some reason, even with a large group, you still managed to stray because of your social anxiety that you were just starting to handle. And right now, you are sitting on a one of the benches that was randomly scattered around the mall for shoppers to sit on if they get tired.

You may look remarkably calm, but anxiety was eating you inside. The excitement that you felt earlier for your first trip with a lot of your friends was now gone, furthermore, you're on the verge of crying because you also lost your phone.

"What should I do?" You murmured silently to yourself.

It all started when all the casts collectively agreed to be the one who buys the props and materials that you need for the play. Of course not the materials that are hard to buy like woods to support background props, etc. The teachers in-charge will handle them.

Anyway, one teacher came with you to the large mall that almost has everything, even attractions. Though only half of the cast decided to go, including you and Oikawa since you two are the main leads.

It was fun at first, you were all excited as you go around with your new found friends, until you realized that your phone is not in your bag anymore, even though you clearly remember checking it just before you entered the mall.

Not wanting to disturb your distracted friends, you silently pulled away from them as you ran to the recent shop where the group just got out of, thinking that you placed it temporarily on some surface. But it was not there and you hesitantly asked the staff wether someone saw a lost phone or reported one.

Of course, none of that happened. But they were kind enough to tell you the direction where you could report that your phone is missing and they'd take care of it by contacting someone close to you if they found it, or showing you numerous phones that they'd found by chance.

The only number that you remember was Kentaro's and his mom, but you didn't want to disturb and worry them for getting lost because of your anxiety.

By the time you got back to the shop where you left the group, they're gone. You told Hikari that you were just gonna go for a second while she was busy staring at things that piqued her interest, but you didn't mention where.

Even though you're only on the second floor of the mall, you couldn't help but worry if they're gonna find you that easy because of how large the mall is, or if they had even noticed, judging by how distracted everybody were.

Still, instead of panicking and crying anxiously, you made up your mind to find them calmly. And as your feet dragged you to stores that you think they'll go to for the props, your mind began overthinking. You can't find them and that's starting to make you feel anxious even though you try not to.

What if they already left while still clueless that I'm gone since I'm quiet? You thought.

The gradually getting nervous heart of yours was all you can hear as your grip on your sling bag's strap got tighter. You wanted to go home and bury your face on your pillow while you try to gain your energy back, because unexpectedly, it's not hanging out with people that made you mentally exhausted, but getting separated and looking for them, and as well as losing your phone.

At times like this, what you would usually do is wear your earphones and listen to music. That way, you feel separated from the world and that no one will bother you on your own. But the device where it lets you do that, is gone. And you're all alone.

"Can you hear my heartbeat?
Tired of feeling never enough
I close my eyes and tell myself
that my dreams will come true~"

(Note: History Maker by Dean Fujioka on the multimedia. 😉)

A song that started playing out loud interrupted you train of negative thoughts. You were startled and your head tilted around as a reaction.

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