Chapter 30: Under the Same Sky

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Iwaizumi shot a worried glance at Oikawa who didn't even finish his ramen and just stared at it the whole time. An awkward atmosphere settled on the team after knowing that one of the members will be leaving.

Some of them wondered if Kentaro really planned to leave tomorrow even if then win—for example. But they brushed it off since he clarified it later and even got scolded for informing them too late about his departure.

Finally, after finishing his bowl of noodles, Kentaro stands up and prepares to leave. Some of his teammates stared at him—waiting for something—while some of them, like Kunimi, just continues eating.

But without even sparing them a glance and thanking them for the time he had as a player of Aoba Johsai, Kentaro left the Ramen House. Some of the players sighed in disappointment but they kinda expected that he will be like this.

They were about to begin eating again, when Oikawa abruptly stood up from his seat and walked towards the door. They thought he was leaving, but he didn't even brought his bag with him.

"Oi, Oikawa..." Iwaizumi called him, this time without any of his insults added since he knew that something's wrong with his friend.

"I'll be back," he replied in a chilling low voice without even looking back at Iwaizumi. His third year friends stared at his back with concern in their eyes; they know the reason why Oikawa was acting like that.

The Captain left the Ramen House and searched for Kentaro's back before following his footsteps. When Oikawa got close enough to him, he called out to him with a straightforward question, "Since when have your family planned to leave?"

Hearing Oikawa's voice, Kentaro's feet stopped moving. He slowly turns around, revealing a scowling expression. The little delinquent never obeyed Oikawa like Iwaizumi, but he was wary of him for different reasons. But looking at Oikawa now who looks like he's about to breakdown, Kentaro couldn't help but be envious because Oikawa could love you freely.

Although he's also grateful that you're important enough to Oikawa to cause him to feel like this.

"Last week," Kentaro curtly replied. Oikawa visibly taken aback as he remembered that you just confessed to each other last week too. Moreover, he's finding out that he had plenty of time to know about it but you never told him.

He thought you're planning to leave without telling him. In the first place, if it wasn't for the coach who yelled it out loud, the team would never know.

After coming to this conclusion, Oikawa's expression darkened. Anger sparked in his chest as he looked down. There was so many things he needed to process that he can't think rationally. He even forgot what you said before you left the Sendai Gymnasium.

"...I see." He replied with a voice hinted with vexation, making Kentaro's frown deeper.

He kind of guessed what was going on inside Oikawa's head as of right now. Kentaro didn't know exactly but he knew that you were worried about Oikawa and he felt a little sorry that it got accidentally revealed to him even though the former kept quiet about it for days.

"I won't forgive you if you make Aneki cry." Kentaro declared with a glare towards Oikawa. He didn't even wait for the latter's reply before turning and walking away with his hands in his pockets, leaving the pitiful Captain who was having mixed emotions.

Oikawa wanted to be angry. After a devastating loss he had today, he's emotionally and mentally drained. He even threw a couple of words at Ushijima Wakatoshi right after the game, appearing strong and fine. But the news of your departure became a catalyst for his bottled up emotions to explode.

In the end, no matter how little it is to other people, losing his last high school game and still not reaching nationals is harder for Oikawa to accept.

And those few months you spent knowing each other—even if you haven't known each other for a year—was really special. He wasn't one to normally rely on other people, even if it's a family member, but Oikawa learned that he longed for your presence.

He found out that in this seemingly mundane world, it's possible to yearn for someone as much as he does for you. That the love that everyone thought was simple and easy—even belittled—(like teenagers who gets into a relationship just for the sake of having one) was not that simple after all.

That it's a beautiful thing that will make you grateful and delighted when you love the right person. It will make you think that you'll never fall for another person like that ever again.

In the eyes of others, it's just a simple romance that almost everyone experiences in high school—that either one of you is being dramatic. And that you can still contact each other even though you're in different places so it's not that big of a deal.

But how can you stop it when the pain you feel is real?

It's not a matter of being under the same sky. It's struggling to survive again after you experienced what it's like in a safe zone.


Among all of you, you were the one who had the least things since you hated spending money on things you really didn't need. Well, it was more like you were trying to be considerate to your stepmother who struggled to pay the bills and fill all of your stomach at the same time.

Hence, it didn't take too long before you can see the pictures your friends printed and gave to you. The photos varies from a normal day in school to the festival and visits to your friend's house.

It was bad that you decided to stop for a minute and look through the images that will make you more sad. However, more than anything, you knew you'll miss this moments. There was a slight hesitation, but you proceeded anyway.

You could tell the first pictures they had taken with you in it, because you looked really awkward in all of them. The smiles you had were either lopsided or obviously forced; your eyes not looking at the camera or it's closed because you didn't wait for the shutter sound before blinking.

But gradually, you could see how you changed. You made goofy faces with them now, even though yours wasn't really the goofiest. However, most of all, you looked happier with bright smiles that reached your eyes. You even learned how to pose like teenagers around you because your friends patiently thought you.

Staring at the pictures, you couldn't help but feel proud to yourself. Though you owe the changes you made to your girl friends and Oikawa, it wouldn't have worked if you never had the courage to do it.

You smiled like a proud parent looking at their child having improvements.

Suddenly, a notification sound rang out of your phone, indicating that you had a message. You reached out for it as you thought it will be one of your friends who had been relentlessly sending messages to you the whole day—even when you were watching the Aoba Johsai's matches earlier.

Your eyes widened when the sender was Oikawa; furthermore, your heart sank when you read his short message.

[Please don't leave me, Y/N-chan...]


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