Chapter 9: Please Listen

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(Not Oikawa related

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(Not Oikawa related. I just want to introduce all of you to my husbando number 1, the only anime guy that will forever have my heart even though I can't really have his *cries and screams internally*, Seijuro Akashi. I mean, I have an entire album and saved pins from Pinterest solely and dedicated for him. And merch that my mother got for me from Japan because of my obsession. Lol I think I'm getting crazy.)

Long story short, I was looking for an appropriate Oikawa gif to put in this chapter, when I got distracted by him (he always do this *continues being delusional*).

Since I lack gifs for him that suits this part (which I admit is what I lack), I decided to show you all who I got the surname of my pen name from.



A pair of (e/c) eyes was looking on the brown-haired captain's way once again as he conversed with the boy's volleyball team's vice captain who visited him during practice, for the upcoming play. This has been your routine ever since Oikawa Tooru saved you from getting assaulted.

That day, because of the terrible ordeal that you had to face, all of your energy has left you. However, no more tears dripped from your eyes and you were silent the whole time. You were too tired to cry—too sad to cry. Why was life so unfortunate to you?

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