Chapter 17: Festival Part 3

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When you heard what Oikawa said to the guy who frightened you just a few seconds ago, realization hits you.

For a moment, you got scared that Ando Makoto—the certain male of your past who caused more trauma—would reveal the lies he fed to basically everyone from your middle school back then, to your friends now.

Your classmates were fairly good to you back then, but because of him, they judged and criticized you without even knowing your side or the real truth. It's understandable why you were afraid that your current friends now would turn their backs on you if they ever heard Makoto's lies.

However, Oikawa who is currently dragging you now to wherever—particularly his dark expression—reminded you of the time that you told him about your childhood past. He didn't think you were only saying your story to gain sympathy and even cried.

The idea that all of it was just for show and fake entered your mind, but you figured it's rude to invalidate the feelings he expressed just because of your trust issues. That's why you decided to be responsible for your decision so you won't have regrets if it is indeed false.

By the time you all arrived at the auditorium where most of your free fellow third years are setting up the props, Chiyo and Momo were wary of your mental state.

Glancing at each other for ideas to uplift your spirit.

"I'm fine, really," you said. "Ando Makoto, that's the guy's name."

The three of them, including Oikawa who is angry, widened their eyes when you casually said Makoto's name who they taught was someone you're gonna have a trouble with, explaining. A smile even spread across your face as you fiddled with the water bottle while the three of them stood before you.

Oikawa blinked before controlling his emotions, waiting if you're gonna add more information.

"We went to the same middle school and was involved in some unfortunate events," you paused as your heart started racing nervously. As if sensing the uneasiness in your heart, Chiyo pats you on the head while Oikawa and Momo grins gently.

The anxiety never left, but they did gave you courage that felt warm. It was so comforting that you could cry.

"...But I'm certain of my truth. I know that I've already told you guys about my trauma, that's why I don't want to tell you more," you gulped as your expression turns all gloomy once again. That's what you said, but the truth was you weren't just comfortable enough to tell everything yet.

What made it easier for you to tell them about the rape and physical abuse, was because you didn't tell all the details—at least you couldn't. Reliving those memories would feel sickening.

Perhaps coming from your sense of loyalty, you feel like you need to tell them everything about what happened from your middle school because you want them to understand the situation the best.

However, although you are comfortable enough to laugh with your friends or even greet them in the corridors, somehow, the words won't come out of your lips. As if there's still a lot of things holding you back.

Well, changing everything at once really is unrealistic and you just have to accept that.

"Y/N-chan, you don't have to push yourself. We can wait until you're ready." Chiyo gave you a tender smile, which she rarely does with her expressionless face.

"That's right, no matter what happened in the past, we believe in the you now." Momo mused with her cheeky smile before elbowing Oikawa; a gesture that tells him it's his turn to say something.

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