Chapter 7: Love At First Sight

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"Y/N-chan! We're here for you!" Akane waved at you with her usual cheerfulness

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"Y/N-chan! We're here for you!" Akane waved at you with her usual cheerfulness. Chiyo who was standing beside her at the doorway of your classroom, seems to be embarrassed by how loud her friend was. But her expression softened when you met her gaze.

You didn't know that the girls who befriended you from the play, were oddly fond of you. For them, you were like a shy little girl that they want to take care of.

The atmosphere around you screams loneliness when they first saw you. They all decided unconsciously not to bother you seems you emitted the feeling of not wanting to be talked to and they thought you were like the some girls that pretended to be all soft and innocent. It's not like you were not like the other girls, it's just that you were indifferent. Didn't want to make connections at the risk of being hurt and getting abandoned.

Well, that wall broke down when the clueless Akane reached out to you all of a sudden. It's also because you were unconsciously craving to have friends, that's why you let down your guard so easily. After all, until now, it's just Kentaro who always stayed by your side.

However, you didn't want to put more burden on him anymore. And you were graduating, and soon, you'll be an adult. It's not like you can rely on him forever. He has a life too.

That's majority the reason why you decided take this opportunity and form connections with the girls. But you're not ready to face guys yet. It's not like you entirely hate them, you just avoid them because you're scared.

"Y/N-chan!" Akane's bubbly voice was so loud that even your classmates started glancing at her. This deepened Chiyo's frown.

You were also nervous because it was you, who Akane was calling, but it was also lifted your spirits. It was nice to be greeted enthusiastically and the corners of your mouth slightly turned up.

Movements stiff and awkward, you stride towards your new friends while carrying your bag. Rina snickered at you and acted like she was whispering about you looking like robotic shy loner, to her seatmate even though her voice was really loud. The person rolled their eyes and ignored her.

You were way too nervous to notice, though it seems that Akane and Chiyo did because they glared in unison towards Rina's direction.

"Hey guys! You're no fair! We were just about to get Y/N-chan and you're here first!" Momo, one of the girls you acquainted with, popped behind Akane and Chiyo with the others.

Another girl that was much shorter than you, Hikari, ran and hugged you tightly. You were stunned at her action but her bright smile brushed away your feeling of awkwardness.

"Ah! Hikari! How unfair! I wanna hug Y/N-chan too!" Akane whined and you laughed light-heartedly. Your classmates who had never seen you smile even for once, was bewildered.

She's so pretty, they all thought.

You didn't even noticed that you were smiling right now, and it's because you were secretly looking forward to hanging out with them.

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