Chapter 27: I Wish

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Eyes staring out the window, dazed as it rained outside--the sound blocking the Teacher's voice

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Eyes staring out the window, dazed as it rained outside--the sound blocking the Teacher's voice. Class was still going on but you were already spacing out. Perhaps it was because you lacked sleep, thinking about the things that became a part of your dull world and suddenly gave it color. Things you had took for granted without knowing the dilemma you will be facing...

You're just a stepdaughter that came out of nowhere--but still a poor pair of mother and son took you in, in your most vulnerable state. You were with them through thick and thin, and they were your support before you decided to change and let go of the past.

This promotion would take away your worry every time your stepmother works overtime. This is an opportunity to earn more so she could make sure you and Kentaro can go to college and pursue your dreams without worrying about the cost. As a struggling single mother of two, this was a chance to make her children have a better future.

The happiness in your mother's tone--you couldn't take it away. This family have done a lot for you than you think you deserve. Although you're hesitant to leave because of your friends and...Oikawa, you know you couldn't be selfish.

Your conscience would never leave you every time you'll see your mother struggling to go to work, if she ever rejects the promotion you all badly needed. You could work a part-time job but your stepmom will definitely reject the idea again.

However, the situation is still making you sad. You just had a taste of what a normal teenager's life is--the happiness you felt for not letting the cruel history hold you back anymore. Then there's him, Oikawa Tooru, who helped you reach the light you were deprived of. Along with your friends, he showed you that despite all the cruelty that exists, there's still beauty in the world.

Beauty worth living for.

"Y/N-chan!" A high-pitched voice knocked you out of your lane of thoughts. With your widened eyes, your head turns to the voice's direction. There stood two girls: one tall and one petite, but both enthusiastic and energetic.

"Hikari-chan...and Akane-chan?" Your eyes then glanced in front of the blackboard and around the room, "The over?"

A light giggle escaped from Hikari's lips before she said, "Silly Y/N-chan, are you that hungry you were spacing out?"

A light blush crept up your cheeks before you let out a small laugh. Your hand reached out for you bento before Akane abruptly grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the spot where you and your friends usually eat.

The three of you passed by students who gave you looks as Hikari and Akane giggled loudly like you were children playing on a playground. You couldn't help but smile at the situation. At first you felt a little at ease, but you realized that next month, there might never be little endeavors like this again.

Maybe you're overthinking but, will you be able to make friends by yourself from now on?

You let out a sigh and it didn't go unnoticed by Chiyo, who you just sat beside to at the long table where you guys usually eat. She observed that you were wearing a solemn expression—which indicates that you do have a problem and you're sad. One of the things they've learned about you after a few months of friendship, is that you're the kind of person who wears their emotions on their sleeve.

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