Chapter 18: Festival Part 4

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Your friends stared at you with sadness in their eyes. They have witnessed how you and Oikawa got closer, and what effort you put into your friendship despite suffering because of your trauma, all the time.

Of course every time you did overthink and had anxiety, you convinced yourself that Oikawa is different. That you are very much aware he's helping you, face your fear.

And he never once made you feel unsafe.

He could've just left you alone or rejected you but no, he accepted the heavy responsibility to help you heal. Though you are still wary of men, you can at least speak to them now with only a little bit of anxiety. It's an achievement you are proud of.

However, there's still no guarantee that he won't astray from you. Although Oikawa is intelligent enough to tell how ridiculous the post is, with his volleyball in mind, he might really do it.

Or at least those who value his skills will forbid him to get close to you even without proof "just to be safe". The adults will mostly do that, since they never really listen.

That's why right now, your friends couldn't say anything that might give you false hope in Oikawa, neither something that will make you drown in sadness more.

You knew that very well. The reason why they were averting their gazes from your because of your question regarding the captain of the volleyball team.

As a result, you couldn't say anything further more and only gazed down the floor. Your mouth felt dry as anxiety rose.


Your eyes immediately widened as you recognized the familiar voice. Instinctively, you finally stood up and stared at the direction where the voice came from.

The girls that patiently comforted you also did the same, hoping that this certain newcomer won't make you cry more.

"Y/N-CHAN!" There in a corner where the staircase was, Oikawa appeared breathlessly. His abrupt stop made it clear that he was looking for someone as his head whipped in different directions.

When his gaze landed on you and your eyes locked, he caught his breath before running towards you, not caring that he looked really dramatic.

Then he stopped right in front of you, perhaps too close than what he intended, placing both his hands over your shoulders. He looked panicked and haggard.

"Are you okay, Y/N-chan?" He asked, analyzing, and when he saw your flushed cheeks and reddened eyes, his expression crumpled. "You cried."

You blinked at him, perplexed at what's going on. You did wish to see him, worried that he might abandon you because of that post or for whatever reason really. At that point you were just overthinking again.

But now that Oikawa was right in front of you, none of the questions you imagined he'd ask was thrown at you. In fact, he's obviously more concerned about your well-being.

Some of the girls however, smiled at his reaction, shaking their heads as if disappointed in themselves for doubting Oikawa. He just made it clear that he read the post, and thought about the impact it would made on you first.

However, before any of you can utter a word, a shrill voice that called Oikawa can be heard from the direction he came from. Then the captain of the volleyball team's expression darkened further.

Naturally, all of you glanced at the distance, then three girls and a guy appeared who all of a sudden glared at you when they spotted Oikawa touching you.

All of them was familiar to you, especially the girl in the middle who lead the small group and the guy behind the girls. It's Ando Makoto and Ume Norika. She was Makoto's girlfriend when the accident happened.

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