Chapter 8: Luck

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"Bye Y/N-chan! See you!" Akane waved at you with Hikari smiling beside her

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"Bye Y/N-chan! See you!" Akane waved at you with Hikari smiling beside her. Only the three of you are left after the other girls started going separate ways, and now, it's your time.

"Bye." You softly said as you raised your hand and waved it slightly, as if you're reluctant. But honestly, you prefer going alone instead of being left alone with one of the girls.

It's because you didn't know how to start a conversation properly. And you didn't want to feel some awkward atmosphere around you. Thankfully, the sun is still around, tinting the blue skies with red, orange, and yellow.

While you were walking home, the movie lingered on your mind. You wondered if love really starts at first sight or not. Or if it does, does it last forever like how the movie portrayed with "they lived happily ever after"? Is it better than falling in love after knowing a person?

What kind of start did they have? You thought, referring to Kentaro's mom and to Peachy.

After a while, you started thinking about your own future romance. Is it even possible? Will you accept the guy wholly? What kind of love will you have? What even is love?

But amidst the chaotic questions, a thought arise above all; you don't wanna be a damsel in distress, you'd like to present yourself to your future significant other with your stronger self.

You chuckled slightly. It's funny how you want to be strong even though you don't know where to start. Making connections seemed like it was, but are you doing it properly? Or are you still protecting yourself?

Meanwhile, as your mind was occupied, you bumped into someone slightly, but the person got mad.

"Watch where you're walking!" He yelled and you apologized with your head down. The person seemed like he was running late for something, so he didn't bother you anymore.

You got chills when you remembered how the guy smelled like an Axe Body Spray and it interrupted your thoughts greatly. So you decided stop in a convenience store to buy some refreshing beverage and you also grabbed your favorite sandwich.

You immediately opened the drink after you got outside of the store. But after a couple of gulps, someone snatched the bottle and threw it on the ground. You were so shocked that you didn't move.

"You wench! Where's my wallet?!" He angrily yelled at you to the point that he was spitting.

You blinked vigorously as your mouth gaped. You didn't know why the person was asking you for his wallet, and the fact that you were getting yelled at made you more timid and scared. It was enough to trigger your traumatic memories.

As you shuddered, the guys grabbed your shoulders and started accusing you.

"You orchestrated that bump to snatch my wallet didn't you?! And after that I caught you spending my money!!"

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