The Arrangemts

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                Alhamdulillah we are here again...hope all my Fans are doing well and are also happy👏 good I am very sorry I have a lot lot of things on my head which more reasons why updates takes long hope you will understand thanks guys👌👍happy reading enjoy👌


"Why on earth will be standing here?".
        " why won't I be Ardo just called for a family meeting and I have being trying get clues about this gathering and meeting thing but all my hard work went in vain". Atine response to Inno question.

Inno is quite staring at Atine who looks very disturb and suddenly started laughing heavily holding her stomach with her hands, motioning Atine with her finger.
         Atine is very shock at Inno's behavior she keeps staring at her strangely. "What's with her?". Haji Atine son interrupt which causes Inno sudden silent.

They both were staring at her with a strange expression on their faces. " why are you both staring at me like that?". She asked, looking at them.

"Don't worry about her Haji just go inside I am sure your father needs you more than me now". She said still her eyes was fixed on Inno giving her stranger look.
          "Why?". He turned quickly and asked her.

"Don't tell me you are not going?". He said looking at her.
         She nod her head. "Yes son just go...".

"I think you should reconsider your decision about not going inside, because is serious today father won't let anyone who didn't go off easily". He sighed.
             "Mother let's go!". He said and went ahead looking at her. She shook her head knowing now the meeting is serious she wouldn't want to be in Ardo's her husband black book now.

"Let's go in then". She said, motioning with her head directing to the siting room, they both walked in leaving Inno standing with unhappy face she never wanted for Atine her co-wife to attend as she want Ardo to get mad at her, she nod her head in angry and went in.

As they all walked inside Ardo's  peered at them with a warm smiled spread across his face.
         All the room is silent and are amazed by the way he keep smiling at them happily it has being long since something like these happened.

"Can you get yourself seated?". He demanded them to sit.
"Just sit!". Ardo interrupt Atine as he knows her behaviour she won't keep mute just like that.

She squeezed her face as the way he muted her sounding like he was insulting her in front of children and his other wives.
         " mother come let's manage here". Haji said, motioning empty space next to him with his head.

" I don't think I can manage thi...".
        "I know but out to try it I am sure you can manage it for now". He said, dismissing her statement lowering his eyes down.
She is sad she never wanted him to interrupt her at all she sat and muttered under her breath very angrily.

Ardo smile and nod his looking at Atine's behaviour she will never changed that's what he said with eyes looking at her direction.
      She understood him and the look away and put her head away from him.

Mina phone started ringing she want picked her call but she don't want to leave the dining room as she feel it will be disrespecting, neither can she pick the call in there presence especially Datti.

Haj.Aisha looking at Mina's tensed eyes she understood it's important call, and she is considering them around, which is why she is ignoring her calls.
           "Mina I think is important as the person is not giving up go inside and answer it". Mom said, motioning door side with her eyes.

       Mina said and quickly left the dining room, all of them followed her with there eyes especially Datti who is curious about the call, he couldn't seat back so he got up and was about to leave when he was interrupted by his father who just get back from answering his call, there wasn't any happy impression on his face like it was before the call.

"Where are you up for?". He asked.
       Datti shrugged lowering his head as his dad is looking very serious. He raked his hair with his fingers, his accustomed habit that will never changed.

"Ahm i...".
       "Your food was getting cold Alhaji". Haj.Aisha said, distracting him away from questioning Datti.
Alhaji was about to say something to Datti and Datti quickly left saying "I am coming back now". He nod his head and sat back to his chair, looking at his family.

"Look I am now not sure about him". She said leaning her back on the wall with her eyes close pursing her lips.
          "He just....he... I don't know". She said that opening her eyes and throwing her hands around which shows how disturbed she is.

She was listening just then Datti enter inside the room. Seeing him she quickly turned the call off throwing her phone on the bed.
         "Who was that? And why do you end it?". He asked, looking at her motioning the phone with his hand.

"No body!". She said.

He giggle. "So now Amina, Minal is talking about me with a stranger? Complaing? Really? Like seriously?!".

"Yeah, whatever!". She screamed the last word and left him standing.

She was about to go down stairs when he grabbed her hand, and pushed her on the wall she try to struggled but all in vain he was staring at her beautiful eyes. Datti want to argue with her but suddenly he felt his entire being stiffen and his brain freezes while the rest of his senses went berserk altogether.

Her effect is more powerful than opium, and her very sight seemed to transform his mind into dreamy state. The feeling was undeniable to Datti he usually used to held her this way but today feels different that he almost lost it was about to kiss her when pushed him.

"I won't let you play with my emotions this way Datti, my brother is coming to get me it won't be long!". She said that  and hurried down while her feet would still carry her.

Datti is struggled to keep his feelings low and calm despite it happens so many times but this was the first time he couldn't control it, why is it happening to him he went to his room quickly the feeling is so high that he won't be able to face his family at the time.

Minal heart is was beating hard against her chest, she close her eyes trying to catch her breath, it had merely been a seconds of looking into his eyes yet it felt like an eternity.
          she staggered to the wall leaning against it  struggling to compose herself.

She suddenly open her eyes leaving away from the wall, she hissed at herself straightened her back and squared her shoulders.
             "Him being somebody's else's no!". She reminded herself. "No I can't let him go just like that, why on earth am I even angry he doesn't know this girl, some village champion and my Datti N.O no! I won't let a thing devide us my love I am here for you I see love in your eyes for just me Amina!". She said, with a warm smile on her face.

"My mission now is to win you over, for just myself not for anybody you are mine and will always be mine". She said, and left toward dining direction.

She was about to put her feet inside when she heard Alh.Gidado  saying. "Should all get ready we all are leaving next tomorrow to the village". He said.

Minal is very shocked  hearing this.

          Will the Family accept Alh.Gidado decision ?  How Minal will react to this? Is the two family reunion be good? How about Boddo now that Datti is getting more closer to Minal ?  Wannan know keep reading the bride...👍👏 you don't Comments which is why update is delayed always👌

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