Atine planing something

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Hi is your weekend gift hope you will love it...enjoy reading.

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He sighed and continues. "I don't want any indiscretion that's why I am saying all this things, I will not tolerate any problem pls". He said. Looking at them one after the other.
"But fath...".
"Be quite I am not yet done". He makes Haji sentence short and added. " And yes he has three Wives as you all know I have empty my other house near Masallacin juma'a they are going to be staying there, because I know this day will soon come each way or the other so make it comfortable for them". He said staring at Atine who's totally surprised by his decision.

She was about to speak when he quickly take his eyes away from knowing what she is capable of. "I want you Haji and Malam to go and. Cleaned it today". He said looking at his sons.
"Let me not forget about there food issues. Anyone who is in charge of the kitchen should make sure to send it to them ok?". He added Looking at Inno.

"Gaskiya this is too much you said he has three wives who knows how many children he has, ya Allah! That means...". She said. Surprisingly puting her both hands on her lips.

Ardo who is looking at her smile, deep beneath him he knew she will be the first to apposed his recommendation about food. That's because she hate working at all she is full of lezyness that's Inno for you.

"Ahto! Help asked him o". Atine added rolling her eyes.

Ardo laugh quietly as he watched them continue discussing about the food issues none of them is ready to take accept it.
"Ahm". All of them went quit suddenly following Asma'u with there eyes as she makes sound like she want to say something.

"I will cook for them every...".

"What?!". Ardo asked Cuting her short.

She smiled. "Yes, I will take care of them insha Allahu". She said. Looking at Ardo. He is not surprised at all knowing how generous she can be.

"But As...".

"No but yaya that's the least I can do for brother Gidado and his family, so please don't worry about it". She said with a wide smile on her innocent face.

"Wow! That's it". Inno said.

"Well is a good thing and best decision since she has nothing doing no did she has husband then sh...".

"Shut up Atina!". Ardo screamed at her furiously.

"You want to mocked her even after defying me? Instead of you people to ashamed of yourself you are even adding to your disgusting act mocking her, so let me tell you all something you are mocking at yourselves not her because she is better than you hundred times to me I am fortunate to have a sister like her". He proudly stated.

Asma'u could not take it tears has already started flowing washing her beautiful face.
She hate this kind of words that his wives keep using against her, and feel bad for him and herself if only have they not hide their feelings today they will have being husband and wife. This kind of horrible scenarios thoughts always break her heart but, at the same time when she looked back and see Innawuro she feels better knowing they are faith to have different person's in there life make her get relieved.

Ardo is sad and angry he does not wish to continue with the discussion seeing tears on Asma'u's face. "All of you can go now". He said in anger.


"Leave! I said all you go!". All of them are touched by his anger no one will want to be in his bad book now not even Atine, they left the parlour quietly.
Asma'u left the house and her children as soon as they came out of the Parlour, knowing her staying will just add more troubles which is why she left.

Boddo and Innawuro are very sad for her but they kept quit and left with her with so much questions in there minds.

"Now What?". Inno said looking at Atine.

Furious Atine squeezed her sad face. "Hmm, can't you see they are coming here to marry that evil child Boddo!". She said.
"Yes I heard but what can we do to stop it?". Inno replied.

Atine was surprised by Inno's suggestions. "What are you implying? come again". Atine asked.
"What you just heard is what I mean, how can we let that foolish girl marry that rich boy from City and leave us here? Don't tell me you are also happy for her?".Inno said staring at Atine.

Atine want to speak when they heard footsteps sound. "Come let's go here is not a place to discuss such matters". Atine said. She grabbed Inno's and and left straight to her room.

She sighed softly. "Alhamdulillah! Now is ok". She said softly looking at Inno who is scared looking at the door her heart is beating very fast, she just hope no one hears due to the footsteps sound and she is the first who make the suggestion.

"Stop looking at the door is alright. Now let me tell you something there is no way I will allow that brat to marry that city boy". She said smiling.
"Yes, I will go to any length to make sure I break the alliance even if it makes breaking there brotherhood's so be it". She added with her cunning smile.

Inno sighed. She smiled. "I am with you on this I know if she was here she will not side you but I will". She said.

"Who? Please forget that Goggon Bello she is always trying to be a good wife to Ardo I am glad she traveled". She said. Replied.

"Yeah that's ok but do you have potential plans?". She asked.

Atine nod her head. "Of course I do have plans I am working on already". She said. Looking very serious.

Inno shrugged. "Whatever it is I am with I know how serious you can be when you want something that why we are very much alike". She laughed.

Atine laughed loudly. "Hmm, me and you alike?". She asked.

Inno smile nodding her head. "Of course we are". She replied to her.

Atine look at her with a smile. "Well maybe a bit but, now I have something to take care of I think you should leave so that nobody will notice you here with me". She recommended.

Inno hist. "Hypocrite ba. Let's continue later don't forget". She replied.

"Alright go now bye!". Atine said. In a hurried way like she was in a hurry.

Inno smile and wave at her she excuses herself and left Atine standing.

Atine sighed heavily trying to catch her breath. "Imagine!". She said smiling.
"This useless Inno trying to compared her useless self with me Atine". She added laughing loudly.
"Foolish woman I will come back at you idiot, mtsw". She hist again rolling her eyes.

"Salamu Alaikum". Haji intervene.

"Waalaikassalam". She replied.

"I heard you talking to yourself, are you alright?". He asked. With a concerned voice.

"Mtsw, what was that? So now you are even keeping eyes on me peekin at my conversation". She Furious stated.

He nod his head. "No I am not I just come to inform you I will be going out". He said. Looking sad.

"Alright, go". She said.

"Ok bye". He said. And excuse himself from the conversation.

"What am I doing? I think I have to meet with him and let him know about it, yes we should plan ahead of them the plans has changed". She said talking to herself.
She seat on her bed bed thinking. "But how can I ask Ardo now? I know he won't let me off easily, not after what I did to him, and infact even if he let me go how can I let that fool to meet me at our meeting point? How?". She asked herself. She got up the bed walking front and back talking to herself like a crazy person.

Looks like Atine is playing something...she is not good at all and who is she meeting and planning with...?

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