Datti Finally Visited Manga

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I haven't forgotten about you I have being so busy lately...I hope you will enjoy this...happy reading 🧐🤗



"Ya Allah! What have you done Gidado? How could you allow Datti to visit that evil man or have you forgotten how bad he can get with Datti?". Ardo curiously stated. Gidado grin. " And why are you smiling now?". He asked curiously again staring at his loving brother who is still smiling at him.

"I am sorry my brother. But I am sure him visiting there will give him some peace mind, which is the reason why I let him visit. And about Jauro, don't worry I know he is very bad, but he can never hurt Datti and infact he knows me already he can't touch our son brother". Gidado proudly stated. But in his heart he knows why Jauro will not hurt his child very well especially the way he hugged him when he first saw him it was evidence that he thinks of Datti as his own son not otherwise.

Ardo sighed. "I hope so!". He said. Both were lost in thoughts for some minutes untill Gidado's phone started ringing. "Assala...". He discontinued, and got up quickly. Ardo quickly looks at his brother judging by his brother's reaction he got up quickly. " What are you saying? What sort of problem are you whining about?". Gidado angrily asked. Ardo move closer to his worried brother. " No! Impossible!". He screamed, and disconnect the call.

"Gidado, why were you shouting? Who was on the phone? What's going on?!". He asked curiously. Gidado heavily sighed. He looks very tense at the moment. " I think I will have to leave tomorrow morning". Ardo is shocked. " What are you saying to me now Gidado". Ardo hurried asked. Alh.Gidado sat back. " Yes brother, I am seriously needed at work that's why". He said lowering his gaze.

Ardo sighed. " That's good". He said smiling at the same time. Gidado looks at his brother. Seeing him smiled surprised him. " Yes my brother. You can go but...". He discontinued. "But what brother?". Gidado curiously asked. Ardo giggles. " Just look how terrified youa are looking just now brother". Ardo stated laughing. " But after the wedding ceremony and not alone with your whole family and Boddo". Ardo stated looking at his shocking brother's face.

" But how can....". " Like you I said you are not leaving alone. I have being looking for a way to send you back immediately after the wedding as I don't want any uninvited situation to rise again, as you know Jauro and his followers won't let this slide easily". " But...". " Say no more. Start preparation you are leaving tomorrow. Also go and inform your family and make sure to take Aisha to her family today to see them and clear things ok". He added. Gidado is unhappy about his brother's decision as he planned his children to stay longer and knows much about his village traditions and cultures, but he can't disobey his brother.

He satback next to Gidado and placed his hand on his shoulder. " Look Gidado". He said in his calm voice trying to coax him. Gidado emotionally looks at his brother who was smiling widely at him. " I know you want your kids to stay longer to know there people and cultures, and I am glad you want that". He sighed. " But Gidado now is not the time. You can always come back with them or send them down here. And also I will be sending Bello and his brothers to visit you anytime now ok. Trust me and leave with them I don't want them to be harmed in anyway". He stated his purpose gently in a calm manner, in other for his brother to understands him.

Gidado smiles finally. He is very happy that his elder brother is worried about him and his children and he is doing it for there own good. " Alright brother I will leave with them but what about the wedding boxes we haven't brought them I thought we will stay long before the wedding then Aisha will have gone with Asma'u to buy all the necessary thin...". " Don't worry what you brought is already enough. I heard that you have brought so many gifts to Boddo and I think is enough. And yes, at night we will have meeting with Mal.Bello so that I can finally give you back your share of property". Ardo hurried said.

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