Baffah going back to the city

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"Hye!" He yell at them.

Boddo and Innawuro are very scare, especially the way he is glaring at them, makes them both very nervous.

"I asked you something!". He shouted again.

"Uhm! Ahm! ..".

"Open your mouth and speak!". He shout again which frightened Boddo more, who is trying to gather all her strenght to speak, she quickly moved back holding Innawuro hand.

"What's going on here Bello?" Ardo asked.

"Baba I heard Boddo and Innawuro talking about something like ... Manga try to do something to her". He said it slowly watching Ardo who's hackles are already up.

Seeing his father raged full of anger makes Bello start thinking what is to happen next as he knows it won't end well especially if Baffa Gidado find this out, he knows it won't be easy to coaxed them both.

"Father! He just saw them running, so he just asked them to walk slowly". He winds up.

Ardo stare at Bello with a grim expression on his face, which show disapproval of what he heard from him he is.

"Alright, get ready quickly your Baffah is ready, he just waiting for you". Ardo said, staring at Innawuro and Boddo.

"Get inside". He said looking at them.

Boddo and Innawuro quickly left Bello, who is glaring at them angrily as he didn't end what he started with them. he gasped.

As they ran into the house running, out of ignorance they pushed one of Boddo's brother who is on his way out.

"Ouch!" He shouted in pain.

"What was that ?!" He asked angrily.

"please brother I do ...".

"Shut up! Haven't I warned you before?".

Bodddo is afraid holding Innawuro hands very tight as she knows Bilya very well he will won't take it easy on her, he so much disliked her and her mother.

"I told you several times to stop running but no! look at how shamelessly are always behaving!". He said sounding very furious.

Boddo nervously watched him, with her eyes filled with tears she hate how they treat her always.

" but look I don't blamed you at all but rather that your illiterate mo ...". He quickly discontinued.

As there was this sound 'fassss' like a slap which made him hastily discontinued his sentence. Boddo is already in tears as he mentioned her late mother calling her illiterate, that really hurt her a lot.

He looked back holding his chicks due to the slap hit.

They were all surprised to see Baffah Gidado who is standing next to Bilya who is still in so much pain.

"Ka Bilya! how dare you insult her mother who is also your own mother this way! Uhm!". Baffah Gidado asked angrily.

"Baff ...".

"Shut up! How could you do this to someone who is late already even if you don't know her? How?!".

"I am very sorry Baffah Insha Allahu I won't  not repeat this, insha Allah ". He said.

"Is alright my son, but don't do anything like this again owk?".

"Insha Allah." Bilya responding.

"owk you can go".

" thank you". He said that quickly when dismissing himself from the discussion he left.

Boddo is still crying when Bilya left them standing with Baffa.

Baffah Gidado smile he quickly shorten his length so that he could see her face clearly.

"Boddo!" He called her name, looking at her sad face.

She turned her face away from him, Baffah laugh.

"It seems like my princess is very angry right now". Boddo shay away as she smile at him closing her face.

"Baffah will Datti really marry our Boddo?". Innawuro asked out of curiousness.

"Yes! Of course Innawuro". He said.

"But I hear people saying things about the ....". She quickly went silent staring at Boddo who is strangely glancing at her.

As he turned back at Boddo she turned her face away again.

"please tell me my dear, what did you heard and what were they saying?". He asked out of curiousness to know.

"They're saying ...".

"speak up innawuro!".

She looked back at Boddo who is not looking at her direction this time, as she herself wants to hear what people were saying about her marriage to Datti.

"They were saying Datti will not love Boddo because she is not a city girl and ....". She keeps mute suddenly staring at Baffah with so much fear.

" Innawuro why are you quite?". He asked looking at the direction she is looking, she is staring at Boddo who is also staring at her.

" Baffah! I am ready". Bello said.

" Alright my son". He gasps.

" Alright my daughter Boddo, I am glad to see you before going back, I wanted to bide you farewell before leaving, but I promise you I will come back as soon as possible to take you away to the city". He smile at them while getting up.

" Baffah are you leaving us already?". She asked looking sadly.

" Yes Boddo, but before you could know I will be back Insha Allahu". He said that smiling back at her beautiful face.

She was about to speak when Ardo called out to his brother, Baffah quickly left Boddo waving hands at them, they both wave back at him praying for him.

" Innawuro what were you trying to tell Baffah?". Boddo asked Innawuro looking at her.

" Uhm! So here you are good for nothing girl, what brings you here?". She said glaring at Boddo.

" Inna, I just come to pick some of my stuffs". Boddo respond looking at her step mother, seeing how she is staring at her, Boddo quickly low her gaze down.

" I think, you should pack all of your things from this house, because your mother is already..". She discontinued looking at sad Boddo who's head is down.

" Oh dear! Don't tell me you are sad?". Bello's mother said, looking at Innawuro who is silently watching everything sadly.

" And you! Don't forget to inform her about all this, as I know you are your nyaako informer". She left them with grim unpleasant expression.

they looked at each other with sadness, and silently they went off to her mother's room, to pack some of her things.....


                  I am sorry for the delay I have received some of your inbox, I will try my best about the update time Insha Allah👏👏 don't forget to votes, share and also comments 👍

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