Chapter 8

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Today is the day when the 'Sharo' flogging game will be decided. The place is quiet as if there is nobody around it, but surprisingly there are a lot of people full of men gathering waiting to hear what is to be done, where many of them think Ardo will not accept the 'Sharo' flogging game as their son City son Datti cannot bear it like his father Gidado.

Who happen to have a bad history as a cheater who runaway with the bride without perfuming the 'Sharo' when the game was already being decided back then.

" Bisimillahi, Ardo we are all here already". Jauro said looking at people the around who were also waiting patiently.

" But Jauro, what I remember clearly is that this is not a village issue or....".

" please Gidado!". Ardo stoped his brother looking at how angry he is.

"Why are you stopping him let him speak his mind!". One of the people said.

"Yes! He should be let to speak his mine since the matter concern his Niece and also his son but....". He quite looking at jauro face.

Jauro laugh very loudly staring at Gidado as he didn't  want to miss every single opportunity to insult him, which is why he call as much people as he can to rub salt at Gidado's wound.

" But what? I have called all the men in the village so that they can help us in making the...".

" please Jauro you don't need to do such things I believe Ardo is a good man he can never make a wrong decision especially not when his only daughter future is involved". One of the eldest man said.

In a very short time they all filled the place with there voices full of argument as everyone is trying his best to say his mind, while most of Jauro's people were throwing insult at Gidado, who is patienly looking at them.

Seeing that it's getting worst as many have already started fighting, makes Ardo screamed at them, which he successfully attracts their attention towards him.

" Please everyone calm down is not a fighting gathering, in fact we are here for a solution and I have already decide that the 'Sharo' which is the flogging game will take place in this village Insha Allah but.....". He went silent staring at his younger brother Gidado who is also staring at him, they smiled at each other.

" Alright then! When is the 'Sharo' taking place?". Jauro asked loudly.

" Haba Jauro....".

" Don't you dare haba me, what is the harm in asking him that?!". Jauro reply to the man with his evil nature impression.

" The flogging game ' Sharo' will take place in the next 2month Insha Allahu!". Ardo said.

" Walh is a lie! 2month fa haba!". Jauro screamed.

" Jauro! What is wrong with you? How can you call Ardo a liar? Don't forget the girl is his daughter Islamically he can marry her of to any man of his choice but he didn't do that, rather trying his best to do just.....".

" please Mal.Bello is alright it wasn't his mistakes but mine, only if I have done the right thing in the past this wouldn't have happened, but jauro you will see". Gidado said and quickly got up and left them.

" I will see nothing Gidado! Come back fool!". Jauro shout as he is about to follow Gidado inside the Mbororo, some of the people started holding him back.

" Let me go! He is nothing but a coward! Coward and a cheater who cheat!". All this are Jauro's word when people are dragging him, he didn't stopped until they have taken him far away from the house.

That was how the crowd dispersed some are happy while some are not happy with the decision.

Jauro left but he was overwhelmed and worried about letting his son know about this decision, as they have already plan everything but the time Ardo give is too far for them, that is how he left.

Boddo and Innawuro come out to play as they are walking suddenly there was this voice calling out her name, they stopped to see who is calling.

" Boddo! Boddo! Wait for me". Both Boddo and Innawuro looked back in other to see the person calling her.

As they both looked back they saw Manga running toward them, Boddo is scared to death seeing Manga.

She grabbed Innawuro hands. " please Innawuro let's runaway from here I don't want to see Manga!".

" Yes Boddo, let's run!".

Before they could even start running or even notice anything he was standing right in front of them already.

" Hye Boddo, were you both trying to runaway from me?!". Manga asked while he was constantly staring at them with his red eyes.

Boddo and Innawuro stare at each other with so much worried, their chest look like it will pump out due to the tension.

" Boddo'an". Manga call her name in a cool way trying to impress her, seeing how worried and terrified she is staring at him make Manga try to move closer to her.

She shrug her eyes out of fear her body is shaking, the moment he approaches her looking at how her body is continuing shaking and vibrating, her eyes were still closed blinking her mouth was moving total fear.

Manga was so impressed with all this he was about grabbed her hand when Innawuro dragged her away and they both run and left Manga standing looking at them smiling.

" Go slowly my dear Boddo! Very soon you will be mine! My young innocent little bride". He said that smiling while nodding his head.

Boddo and Innawuro did not look back until they reach Ardo's house they both stop and look at each other heavily breathing for tirednesss.

" Innawuro! That Manga is very bad person!". She said that breathing heavily.

" Yes walh! Didn't you see how he was trying to touch you?". Innawuro respond.

" What?! Who is trying to what?!". Bello Boddo's brother asked angrily. both Boddo and Innawuro didn't notice him sitting behind them are very terrified.......


                          Till we Meet in our Next page Insha Allah....the more you comments the more I type the more my updates👌

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