Baffah Gidado

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Here! Dedicated to all The Fulani Bride👌


" what about Boddo?"

Gidado ask while staring at him with strange expression on his face.

" uhm! About our Marriage sin....." he mute suddenly, looking at how Baffah Gidado is glaring at him.

" continue mana Manga!" His father ask looking at Baffah Gidado.

" I think is time for our marriage with Bod...."

" shut up!" Baffah gidado shout.

" gidado calm down, is not like a new thing I have personally discuss this with Ardo long time ago" Manga Father said that, while practically seeping out of his words.

Everyone is Afraid of Gidado becouse he is always so high of himself and very narrow minded person, which makes him very far diffferent from his brother Ardo who always very lenient.

" No! Her marriage was fixed with me!" Bello yell.

Baffah Gidado is very furious he was about to stood up when his elder brother Ardo hold him back.

" please everybody calm down, the thing is I haven't give my promise to anyone not even my own brother" Ardo said that staring at his furious brother.

Baffah Gidado is very surprised with his brother's words which is making more angrier.

" But we always discuss about this even before Boddo's born and even after so how can you now utter such brother?!" Baffah Gidado said, sounding very angry which you can felt in his voice.

Ardo nod his head " yes Gidado I know but, I never did promise you becouse the day Boddo was born, that same day Malam Moddibo who is Towdo father asked me for hand in marriage for his son here" he breath deeply.

" he asked me even before you arrived, but I didn't say yes to him, then you, as time keep passing by jauro here asked the same thing for his song Manga" he added looking at how all of them are staring at him.

" so now what is the solution?" Jauro asked, looking at his son, who is angry at this time.

" what solution when even Ardo cannot make any decision now, as Boddo is my doughter too I can marry her up to anybody I want to".

" No! I can't let anyone take Boddo away gaskiya, so let the 'Sharo' take place" Manga said that angrily.

" No any flogging will take place I have said it already Baddo will marry my son Datti!" He said that while staring at his brother and Bello who are Boddo's brothers.

" I think Baffah is right!" Bello applied.

" I think the 'Sharo' is a good idea let anyone who wins take the Bride" Towdo said, who hasn't speak since the argument start.

" uhm! Do you think Gidado will let 'Sharo' take place when he himself wrong away from it with AISHA when we are about to, well I don't think so!" jauro said that glaring at Gidado angrily, becouse of there past.

Gidado low his head hearing jauro words, which hurt him deeply, and his self respect a lot, seeing that Ardo intervene " I think you should all go home tomorrow we shall discuss this issue with Mal.Moddibo around then we.....".

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