Can't say

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Sorry guys I have seeing all your texts...believe me I don't mean to keep you all waiting but I have being very busy lately so here Boom!!!
Comments and share your opinion that is the only fuel that will keep me moving👌✍🏽


"Have you parked all the things you need". Ardo said, pointing at the bag, Boddo is carrying.
She nod her head. "Yes I have Parked them all". He smiled at her nodding his head.

"Alright Boddo you can go I am sure your Goggo is waiting for you people so go slowly owk". They nod there heads looking at him.
"Also don't play around, And don't go near anybody even you if anybody call you don't go, Especially Manga!". He called Manga name very loudly sounding very serious.

"Insha Allahu, we won't do that". Boddo answer him smiling at him as she notice strange look on his eyes which display his sad heart.
They run and left waving back at him, He nod his head and continue walking.

"Innawuro have you notice my father?". Boddo asked, looking at her.

Innawuro took a deep breath looking at Boddo gloomy expression. "Yes I saw how worried Baffah was and I know is because of this marriage thing, But Boddo don't worry everything will be fine especially you know that your father is the Ardo of the village he is the head he will never let anything bad to come in your way". She said thoughtfully.

Boddo quickly grab Innawuro hands shakingly, Looking very serious and frightened at the same time.
Innawuro roll her eyes and giggle at the same time. " What is wrong with you Boddo don't tell me my strong friend is alre...". She discontinued as she saw Manga smiling at her who appear suddenly.

"Wow strange!". He said with a smirk smile on his face.

Boddo is really afraid her body is still shaking and her heart is beating very fast, fear is all over her face and body.

"You!". He point at Innawuro who is have mix emotion.

"Let go of my Bride's hands!". He shout.

Both Boddo and Innawuro are very scared right now, Innawuro remember's her Ardo Baffah words she gathers some strength which doesn't even know she has.
Before Manga could make any move they ranaway.

This time Manga is very angry at what happened this was the second time. "Damn it! Second time how can this little rat ahhhhh". He is very furious at Innawuro behaviour.
He believed she is the one who keep getting in the way between he and Boddo. "She will pay for this". He said in anger and left.

Boddo and Innawuro did not stop at anywhere until they reach home. When there Inna asked them what happened why are they running and they look tired they both lied to her.
She don't want to use forced so she let them be even thought she have so many question to ask them.

2Days Later City....
"Is time come on let's go!". He said looking at his wrist watch.

"Alhaji slowly there is still time for his arrival". Haj.Aisha said smiling at her husband.
He nod his head and smile back at her. "No I can't afford to loose being the first person to see Datti, It has being my dream to be the first to see him walking down from plane,
" Aisha you don't know but whenever I saw Datti he remind me of my brother Ardo and also our father, Which always makes me happy a...".

"We are ready!". Wud'i said. Who walk in with Nana and Hady, They were all dressed looking very beautifuls.

"Thank god! You people have saved me today". She laugh loudly.

"From what have we saved you?". Nana asked. Staring at Haj.Aisha who is smiling at there Dad who is also smiling at her.
"Oh I see". Nana said all of them are laughing loudly.

They all went mute as Haj.Asiya entered inside the sitting room watching them with a strange expression.
"I am ready". She said.

"Where are you going". Alh.Gidado asked staring at her.

She look at all of the children and haj.Aisha who is also looking at her, Then angrily she turn back to her husband Alh.Gidado.
"Where are you are all going?!". She replied him back with question looking at him.

Seeing the situation Haj.Aisha knew if she keep mute there will be some problem.

"Alright then Maman Nana let's all get going". She said that in other to stop anything bad or argument from taking place.
They all went out silently even Nana and Wud'i are not Happy with all Maman Nana was doing in the family, She always bring troubles.

They all went to the car Haj.Aisha suppose to be in front with her husband but, Maman Nana make sure she doesn't get to that seat, All are surprise with her behaviour but Haj.Aisha did not allowed anyone to say anything to her especially there husband.
They went in to different car's children in different car all of them are silent inside the car, They are no longer feeling happy anymore anyone has something's on mind.

"I can't wait to see our darling brother". Nana said. Breaking the silent that was almost constitute a menace.
As she knows it won't take long before Wud'i and Hady start fighting or argument, They way both of them are glaring at each other.

"Even me I can't wait to see handsome bro". Hady said. Smiling at Nana.

"But his happiness won't last for long that bothers me the most". Wud'i said.

"Why not? He will be very happy I am sure many girls will fall for him, Oh My if I wasn't his sister I won't let anyone go near him but yolk! That village girl will have him as a husband what do you call her?". Hady said while squeezing her face.
"Boddo!". Wud'i replied to her.

"But I don't mind because my friend Sofie like him a lot I am sure she will take him away from that illiterate village girl".
Both of them turned swiftly to watch her, They are very shocked with her statements, she doesn't care about the marriage or his life but her crazy friend.

"You are not serious Hady". Wud'i said.

Hady roll her eyes up. "Don't give me that look Wud'i ok". She said. Looking at how both of them were staring at her.
"Oh shit! What's with you guys iye haba, Stop looking at me like that try and understand that Dad is not going to change his mind so, We can't stop it but don't forget it can't be the end for Datti he can still get married he is a man and he can also have fun outside Marr..".
"Thank you!". Nana cut her up.

"Whatever!". She shrug and continue with her chewing gum.

Everybody went silent with his phone no one says anything until they arrive at the airport....

I can't wait to see this he is? Is he the type for my Boddo or not? Let's keep moving.

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