Chapter 34

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             Alhamdulillah it's here👌 I try to write today as promised yesterday despite I am very busy...

                   Not: Edited

" Innawuro". One of the woman standing by the door call out to her name. Yes Inno". Innawuro answer while getting up from her small chair. " I can't seem to see Boddo anywhere. Where is she?". Inno asked. Looking at the surrounding with her eyes, but couldn't find Boddo anywhere. Innawuro grin smile looking the door by her right side. " She is inside our room". Innawuro answered.

" Did you heard that Inno? I have told you they haven't summoned her yet. Can you now see what I have being telling you?". The other woman stated looking at Innawuro trying to make fun of her. Innawuro is surprised by what the other woman was saying staring at her with so much questions. Seeing that Inno suddenly laugh as she does not want Innawuro to figured out there plans to check what's going on in Asma'u house.

" Look at you blabbering rubbish Ladi, can't you keep your mouth shut for a while". Inno said looking at Ladi her friend. " Look Innawuro I think we will leave now since your mother is not around". Inno said grabbing Ladi hand who was still standing with an open mouth. "Let's go Ladi!". Inno said and left Innawuro standing full of surprises.
"Why on earth are they doing  here in the first place?". Innawuro asked putting her hands around her waist. She nodded her head suddenly. " This must be one of there evils plans, but insha Allahu it will return back to them". Innawuro said and quickly went inside the room.

" Why did you stopped me? I thought went there to mocked them". Inno giggles looking at Ladi. " Ladi, are you for real? With what exactly do you want us to mocked them, uhm?!". Inno asked looking at her. " Did you not see how they ignored her since they arrived none of them asked about her at all?". "Oh I see". Inno said. " But wait! Did you not see they did arrived just marry her? If they did come that means the marriage will still take place and mocking her won't do us any good". Inno added.
" But didn't you said Atine and you are planning something?". Ladi quickly asked. " Uhm, we did try. But you see Atine is not letting me into her plans and seeing them here I think being in there bad side won't do me any good because someday I will like to go to that city Ladi". Inno said. Ending her last sentence with a wide smile.

" You sound well, is a wise choice to be in there side because Gidado is very rich man. Not only that but the opportunities of going to the city will be open for us". " Us?". Inno asked her. " Yes Inno for us. Because whenever you are going there I will go with you o". Ladi said with her funny face laughing. Inno nod her head. " Before dreaming we should continue building our place in that Gidado family first". "Good idea Inno!". Ladi replied.
" Speak softly Ladi". Inno said frowning her face. Ladi giggles. " But you are not going to let Atine get a glimpse of this change are you?". Ladi asked. Looking very serious. " Why will I let her know?". Inno said staring at Ladi who is also staring at her. " Of course I will continue showing her I am with but just only you and me know I am not, hahaha". Inno continue with her laugh. They both left laughing.

"Boddo! Why do you refused to come out?". Innawuro asked. Looking at Boddo who is smiling sitting on their small bed leaning her back on the wall. " And why are you smiling?". Innawuro added with a surprising expression. Boddo didn't replied to all her question, rather continues with her smiling shy behavior.
Innawuro sigh heavily. " I understand!". Innawuro said. She sat next to Boddo and held her hands. She sighed again. " Oh! My poor cousin". Innawuro said staring at shying Boddo is looking at the other side don't want to looked at her. " Look Boddo, I know you are happy that you are getting married to Baffah Gidado's son but...". She discontinued.

Boddo quickly turned her face facing Innawuro with grin expression. " Yes Boddo! I just want you to remembered that there is still time". Innawuro said. She looked away. " And actually I don't want you to see you getting hurt later". Innawuro said, without looking at Boddo.
Boddo expression suddenly changes. She looked at Innawuro who's face was still looking away. " But Innawu...". " Yes my sister. I know you have heard what our villagers are saying about your marriage to Datti despite we never intends to believed them or accept it could happen, but still we need to try and not put our heart into it so that we will not get hurt later". Innawuro end it looking at Boddo.

Boddo feels so much heavy in her heart as Innawuro words really hit her. But she knew Innawuro is just looking out for her. " I heard you. And what you said is the truth whatever you are doing is for my own good". Boddo said, With so much emotion.
Innawuro smile at her and holding her hands very tight to her's. " Thank you for understanding my point of view". Innawuro said. Boddo smiles at her. " Thank you". Boddo replied.

They both hugged each other with so much affection. Both Boddo and Innawuro are very young. but despite there young age they are very understanding. Sometimes even Asma'u Innawuro's mother get surprised by there behavior, they behaved like a grown up.

See you Next Week🙏

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