Datti loosing it

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         I am very sorry Fans😔


Minal quickly pulled back her leg slowly and head back to the stairs,  her heart was racing very fast all she need now is to be alone.
" Hey are you alright?". Nana said as she approached her with a small smile on her face not knowing what was going on with Minal at that moment.

She smiled back at Nana trying to composed herself. "I am fine just want to pick up some...". "Ok, see you soon". Nana said. And left her for her understanding she is in rush to get something that's why.
She rushed back to the guest room quickly and close the door, she lean her back against the door breathing very heavily.

" No No! Calm down Minal". She said. Opening her close eyes.
         "I can't let this happen, No I won't! I thought I had everything under control back in U.S, but it seem I am just making a mistake not knowing I was busy intrigued". She said. Her face changed suddenly, her lips curled into a wicked grin, her eyes turning deadpan, and her brow twitching at once.

Her phone rang which quickly bring her back to her sense's, what she saw on the phone screen made her take a quick heavy breath it was 'my bro Ameen' that's the name on the screen.
       She answered the call puting the phone on her ear. " Wslm, am...a...alright but I was thinking maybe...". She discontinue her sentence.
" They are traveling to there village and I want to go wi...".  Her face change suddenly like before just one look you will understand she is sad.

"Ok I will send it". She said with her empathetic voice.
She dropped the phone on bed shaking her shoulders. "I said I don't want to go home why is he for...".
"Minal! hey Minal!". It was Datti's voice calling her.

"What are you saying Alhaji?". Maman Nana asked sarcastically.

"What you all just heard is what's going to happen, so I will suggest that you start packing your bags we are leaving soon". He said with his creepy voice seeing Maman Nana want to bring issues, and  he won't go back on his words which he gave to his darling brother he left them on dinning.
Nana and Haj.Aisha are the only people happy with the arrangements. " Kai haba! This wrong gaskiya how could he just asked us to go on this trip to his yeye village just like that, I am not in support but I know that somebody probably suggest this to him". Maman Nana said staring at Haj.Aisha.

"But mo...".
"Shut up Nana! I am sure you are in this too already! Don't even start that your brazen behavior with me walh else you will surely regret doing so mtsw". She said.
Nana want to talk when Haj.Aisha hint her a sign with eyes not to.

Maman Nana and Haj.Asiya there co-wife left them there even Wud'i didn't stay as she is very sad about it and she know she can't approached her mother with such.

Nana looked at haj.Aisha with so much happiness. "Walh I can't wait to be in your village you and Dady finally, yehhh!".
Haj.Aisha smile. "Yes I too can't wait,  it has being so long". Tear dropped out of her eyes as she is too emotional and happy, she quickly wipe it as she doesn't want any of her children or Nana to see it and mistook it for something.

Beneath her heart curious to know 'why the sudden trip? Why the sudden quick decision just like that?'. All these questions were asked by Haj.Aisha's heart.
What bothers her the most now is her siblings as she knows what has happened years back then can never be forgotten, if she can't forget them how could they forgot about it?.
All these questions have being torturing her all these times and finally now is the time to meet again how will they react to her sudden visit after all these years?.

She is sad and happy at the same time.

"I really don't want to go to that village". Maman Nana said. They are about to go to there separate ways to there flats.
"I want to go and see things  for myself". Haj.Asiya said. With a wide smile.

Maman Nana is surprised by her giving her a surprising looks. "What?". Asiya Asked.
"You are even asking me can you hear yourself? How can you think of going there?". Maman Nana asked. Asiya giggles.
"Is not that I want to travel there that badly, it is just for my curiosity I want to witness everything for myself that's it". She said smiling.

Maman Nana heavily sighed and shook her head. "Hmm, I am not surprised at all now, if a barren woman will want to go and see her husband villaged, why can't I then? I think I should go there for my luvly  children if not for myself don't you think?". Maman Nana said. With a wide smile on her face.
Haj.Asiya is startled by her words but knowing she is used using her barrenness to  hurt her all the time  she nod her head and left heading to her apartment.
"Asiya! Ke! wait up, we are not done yet". She said it out loud laughing at her. Asiya didn't turn back as she is sad.

"Eyyer poor thing". Maman Nana said. nodding her head she left to her apartment.

"What's happening? What take you so long to open the door?". He asked. He was furious at how she kept him knocking.
She turn her back away from him. "Please Datti I am not in the mood right now". She said with her empathetic voice.

He was surprised because she left him not long ago in his room not this way. " Baby what's with you now? Did anyone said anything to you?". He asked.
"Plz Dat...". She discontinued as he  grabbed her hand and turn her straight eye to eye.
She struggled to leave but all invain she stopped trying as he is not willing to let go of her hand, they stared at each other for some seconds.

Minal heart was beating hard against her chest, she close her eyes trying to catch her breath, it had merely been a seconds of looking into his eyes yet it felt like an eternity. She recall what happened some few minutes ago in his room it was exactly.
She was about to pushed him when he quickly close her pink lips with his. "Uhm uhm!". That was the sound she murmurs and struggling to push him at the same time.

He pushed her against the wall without removing his lips from hers. The room went quit for some seconds. "Ah hmm uhmm". The sound which quickly brought them back to there senses especially Datti's.
He look back it was no one other than Wud'i his sister who is staring at them straight.
Datti quickly take a step back from Minal, his heart was beating very fast at high rate, his body was shaking he was very scared he never did something close to this and now he did it in his house with his siblings around especially now that he was caught by his sister. He didn't think before he did all the thought are coming to his head after the devil work  is done.

'Not bad The Mighty Datti has finally broke from his chain hahaha, come to think of it Datti is never this type nor has he ever kissed me before, he is always so creepy and suddenly upgraded onto a romantic guy wow I just love it'. Minal thought. She looked at Wud'i who is still standing staring at them.
'Oh my God why did she have to be here and now? Gosh all these there... useless...'.  " Minal I think your brother is here downstairs". Wud'i unknowingly intervene with her thought.

Datti looked at Minal seeing both at them staring at her she quickly rushed out leaving them standing. Wud'i also turn back was about to leave when he call out to her name.
"Plz come inside let's talk". She turned back and smile at him.
"If it was about what I saw is nothing don't bother about it no one will hear". Before he could react to anything she left.

            See you soon guys👍

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