Chapter 25

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                Happy Weekends to all The Fulani Bride Fans...May All Our Dreams Come True Insha Allah...Ameen🤲


"Mom mom!".  He enters the parlour calling her name loudly. But didn't find her in the Parlour he went straight to his Dad bedroom but stopped at the door. He extend his hand trying to knock at the door, he hesitate and took his hand away from the door quickly.
Datti is never the type that visit his parents bedroom since he knows himself which is why he hesitate today. He turned his back closing his red eyes, he really want to see his Dad but don't know how to and he didn't bring his phone with him. He was lost in thought completely.

" Hey!". He heard her voice behind him and that of the door sound behind him.
"Are you looking for something?". She asked. She was surprised by his sudden appearance at there door which has never happen before.
Datti tightened his close eyes very tightly as he opened them. He sighed heavily trying to keep his mind straight.

He turned back with a tiny bit smile on his lips. "Is Dad inside?". He asked, looking around.

She nod her head trying to read his unreadable expression, which nothing can be seeing clearly but  emptiness which she can see clearly. He is very  frustrated and worried at this time she know her son very well he was never like this.

He noticed how she was staring at him. " I think I will just call him on phone". He uttered, taking his eyes off hers to look around the corridor.

" Your Dad is not around he just left for his meetings but if...". She muted. Trying to read see his reaction.

"Nothing Mom I will call him now". He said. Giving emphasis on the last word. He was trying to runaway.

"No, if something is wrong you can talk to me". She said.

He looked around strangely like he was trying to find something, he really will want to tell her of his feelings, but knowing he can't share such with her nor will she accept to listen to him, as her first son he... "What is the matter?". She asked again.

"Nothing Mom, I am coming". He said trying to avoid further questions from her. He turned back was about to leave when she stopped him.

"Alright then, i was about to called you before, since you are here then let's talk then". She said in haste. She walk out of the corridor and sat on the Sofa. "Come on". She called him out of the Parlour.

He was really shocked of her statements today she was never the type to discuss something with him that will need privacy.

He walked slowly back to the parlour where he saw her seated already. "Sit!". She asked.

"Alhamdulillah ya Da...". She stopped him right at the door, by raising her hand.
"Go outside, I need a moment with your brother.

They are all shocked. "Be seated". She asked motioning a place closer to her seat with her hands.

"Alright then see ya". He windened with a  tiny bit surprised. Excusing himself from the conversation.

"Nana did you see Datti?" Minal asked.

"Hmm, yes just saw him few minutes ago,  walking towards our parent sitting room". She said hesitating a little bit.

"Alright". She said smiling indulgently. She left Nana who was eating Samosa inside the kitchen singing. Minal was about to leave the kitchen she suddenly turned back watching Nana who is singing and eating at the same time.
" Please Nana, will you do me a favour". She asked.

Nana smile at her. "Anything for you". She replied.

Minal smiled back at Nana who is still smiling waiting for her. "I want you to go to my brother I had to packed some of my things please Nana". She said in a empathetic voice, that Nana won't be able to refused her.

Nana is surprised even though she doesnt want to go but at the same time she couldn't refuse Minal. Especially the way she asked her. "Please Nana don't say no". She added.

Nana nodded her head forcing a smile on her face. " Ok I will". She barely answered, you can heard it clearly on her voice.

"Alhamdulillah! This family is very fortunate to have a good kind hearted person like you". She said. and left smiling. Leaving Nana standing like a statue.

"Ya Allah! Why me? This girl is really trying to fool me walh I know for a fact she was really trying to make me serve her brother like a servant. But what can I do my gosh I can't refuse her the way she begged me...uhm but I don't intend to do it". She said. rolling her eyes trying to figure out a way out of it.

The kitchen was quite for bit she quickly smiled. " Got it! Let me check". She said. And walked out of the kitchen.


"How can you not tell me something very important earlier?". He asked, staring at her.

She sighed. "Had I known earlier I will have informed you". She responds. "Anyways why were you sounding like I have not tried for you by telling you each  and every details from the beginning?". She added.

"Hmm, don't dare try to behave like I am forcing you to do this or you are doing this for me, when both you and I clearly know you are doing this for your selfish interest if not...".

"I am sure you don't wanna upset me now Jauro? You still need my help so don't try to remind me of why I am doing this or what I am  gaining, Rather you should concentrate on preparing your useless pampered son who is going round trying to destroyed everything we have worked for". She said in a frustrated way.

"You Atine don't need to tell me what to do or how to handled my son ok, just go and start what I recommend you to do ok". He said.

"I am just trying to warned you about Manga, you very well know how important this marriage was for me right?". She asked.

"Yes of course I know. worry less the marriage will surely take place with Manga not that useless son of Gidado. what is that his name?".

She giggled. " Datti!". She responds.

"Yes yes! I am sure he is not even closer to our culture Ardo will surely get disappointed after meeting him". He said laughing loudly.

"Slowly Jauro someone may heard us". She whispered.

"Oh, forgive my manners, I got carried away". He said in a low voice.

"Probably he will be disappointed, but probably your laughed will get us caught someday, what's the need to get so much excited without getting what we want?". She said in her arrogance voice.
"So learn to keep your excitement very low, the time to celebrate is near ok". She added.

"Yes I know I will do just that but... remembered what I told you to do with that Inno". He said.

"You don't have to worry about that just do your part, and I will do mine.". She responded.

"Alright, go home now is getting late, I don't want anybody to suspect you goodnight". He said.

"Ok goodnight take care of him". She said.

"I will insha Allahu bye". He responds while walking away.

All of them begin to walk in different directions inside the bush which is very quite and dark it was very late in the evening about 6:30pm, can't see anybody around except the two.

Let's meet soon in our next page Insha Allahu.

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