Getting Darker

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                Hi guys! I have being very busy which is why I am not able to update for you for some weeks but now I am back here with you all hope you will continue supporting and showing your love to The Fulani Bride...also if you are yet to Subscribe to my YouTube channel Hasken Alkairi Tv please do so🙏 thanks all...👍


“I wonder what brother is going  to do now that he found out about everything”. He uttered, he sighed and sat on the desk. Just one looked at him you can figure out how disturb he is at this time. “I think I should inform our mother before he took any disastrous step that could lead us all to regret”. He got up quickly and walked straight to the entrance of the house.

         “But Goggo it was getting dark already and I don’t like going to that house, also if Kawu Ardo sees me he wi…”. “Shut up!”. Atine shut her up at the top of her voice. Seeing Yidi sad face Atine quickly place a smile on her evil face. “Oh, Yidi'an why do you not like going to that house?”. Atine said smiling and peting Yidi’s beautiful face. “Goggo whenever I went to dropped your message, you see goggo, his wife will always keep on asking me about who send me and why I always give the same message all the time”. Atine nod her head and grin smile. ‘does that mean his wife is suspecting something already?’. She mutter under her breath. “no she can’t!”. Atine said in a loud voice.
             Yidi wind up her big eye full of surprises. “Goggo she can’t what?”. Yidi asked, staring at Atine. “ just go and delivered my message like always”. Atine angry said. Yidi who is looking very sad at the moment low her head, was about to leave when Atine suddenly stopped her. “And yes! If she asked you just ignored her ok?”. She uttered looking at Yidi sad face. Yidi nod her head. “ When you get back I am going to give you a gift I promise. And  also I will take care of your Kawu ok”. Atine said ending the last word with a wide smile. On hearing this Yidi expression suddenly changed into happy one. She quickly run out like a little girl with so much happiness. Atine nod her head and headback to her room. 

On her way out she bumped into Ahijjo who is just coming inside the house. “Ouch!”. Yidi screamed in pain. Ahijjo quickly moved back as he also hurt his leg in the process, he groaned, looking at Yidi who is still holding her head in pain. “ Are you a stone? How can you walked around recklessly like that? See now what you have coursed”. Ahijjo angrily stated in anger. Yidi is surprised by his behavior, she thought she deserved some apology from him but instead he is lecturing her. she keep her eyes closed continuously as she is still in pain. Seeing that she didn’t utter a word, not even a reaction to compensate what she has cursed. Ahijjo got more angrier. “you are the most be dumbest person a ever met here. If not how can you walked recklessly going around coursing other people pain and not knowing how to apologise? Stupid villager!”. His last statement hit Yidi so deeply that she quickly opened her eyes on him.

          Ahijjo who is angrly staring at her went mute suddenly seeing her big eyes which  were red full of tears. The way she was staring moving her lips as she can’t utter a word at the moment she was speechless by his words. Seeing that she cannot response to his insults at the moment, she started walking slowly to the door. Ahijjo continue staring at her until she left already. He sighed. That was when he feel sad the way he treated her especialy her red eyes which indicates she is also in pain. “ and I insulted her so much”. He groaned. And walked inside with so much regret.

Yidi continued walking and crying at the same time. What she hate the most in her life is to be called a villager as she was raised and brought of in the city. Which is why Yidi hate village and wanted to go back to live in the city  as she was studying there, and has her dream which is  becoming something in her life. That was also her mother’s biggest dream and last wishe, which she took it upon her self to make her dead parent very proud. Yidi is 16yrs old  was staying with her grandmother after her parent passed away. They were both killed  during jos plateau state fights between Fulani and birom. She was studying there and was very intelligent also which is why she understand it when Ahijjo insult her in English calling her a ‘villager’. Her mother was Atine elder sister which is why she always visit her sometime she spend moths in the house sometime 2days it has being 1yr already since she came back to the village. “ I will surely give a feedback to this insult. Insha Allahu”. She said wiping her tears.

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