Jauro's shameful face

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                Enjoy......happy reading 🤩 don't forget to comments share and also vote thanks for always being patient...looking forward to tomorrow page Insha Allah🙏


Datti is walking behind her with so many thoughts on his mind about what has happened. ' why did she lie to them? Who is she? Perhaps she is my supposed bride I guess....but her English is very fluent...how ca...'. " did you really got hurt?". He didn't hear her at all. She sigh. " Does your wound really hurt?". She added. And walk back close to him as he is walking very slowly. She grabbed his hand. The way she grabbed his hand quickly brought him back from his deep thoughts.

          He angry looked her and  quickly remove his hand away from her's. " Hey! What are you doing?". He asked in an uneasy manner and swallowed a hard saliva, and took a step back quickly. She giggles looking at the way he was staring at her. " I was just checking your wound".  She said smilingly. " Are you crazy? Did I told you that I am wounded?". He asked angrily. " But...". " Leave me a lone!". He angry said. Yidi wanted to say something more but judging by his expression she went mute suddenly looking at his back while he was walking direct to the males side of the house. She didn't take her eyes on him until he disappeared from her sight completely she heavily sighed placing her hand on her chest trying to calm herself with her eyes closed.

Datti quickly lean his back on the wall on the corner. He is very disturbed especially seeing the blood on him. "I just hope that Manga will be fine?". He said. He sighed closing both his red eyes. He went deeply on his thoughts. 'what if he died?'. Something within him whisper to him. He quickly Open his eyes. "No he can't die just because of that, neither am a murder. I am not!". He said nodding his head, squeezing  his hair with his finger.

Ahijjo who was standing staring at them from corner came out laughing. Yidi turned back to see who was laughing behind her, and was shocked to see Ahijjo laughing. She suddenly frown her face remembering there last encounter this evening. " I am sorry". He said. "My manner". He added, coming towards her. She hist and started walking away toward the door behind him. What she hate the most now is to reach the door she has to passed by him, which she never wanted. ' I never wanted to cross part with him but it doesn't looks like I have a choice. But don't worry mister I will surely teach you a lesson letter'. She mutters under her breath. His eyes were all on her while she was trying very hard not have eye contact with him at all, despite she can feel how he was staring at her continuesly. She finally passed by him successfully.  Ahijjo's  was staring at her and even turned back just to looked her. "Stop!". He said. Yidi found herself being submissive to him.

          " I...uhm I". He couldn't continued with his sentence, he close his both eyes feeling so uneasy as it was his first time of doing such thing to a girl, he sighed heavily.  His silent make Yidi continued walking towards the door. " I am sorry!". She stopped suddenly. He left her quickly she turned back and saw his spot empty and could only saw a hint of him passing through the corner, which will lead him to males part. She found herself smiling not knowing the reason.  " So, he is not arrogant like his brother after all". She nod her head and left.

Datti who was leaning his back against the wall, was also listening to their conversations. Hearing Ahijjo's foot sound, he quickly left and entered inside the room. " What was he doing with such a dirty girl like her? stupid village girl, mtsw". He fall down on the bed. "Ouch!". He screamed in pain. Ahijjo who was about to enter the room heard his brother sound, and rush in quickly to help him. "Brother brother! What happened?". Ahijjo asked, grabbing his brother hand. Datti quickly pulled out his hand away from his brother frowning his face. Ahijjo took a step back quickly. " Oh..oh! Wha...". "Is this a bed or a rock? How can we sleep here?". Datti said, motioning the bed with his finger.

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