Sad Boddo

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Boom❗️ Chapter 10 is here finally Happy Reading👌 don't forget to put me in your prayers always because I am so much in need of that now thanks for all the love👏


Nana is walking and singing at the same while she is approaching the kitchen. "Good morning my sister". Nana said, smiling at Wud'i who did not even looked back to see her or answer her.
Nana knew something most be terribly wrong if not Wud'i won't behave this way with her. "Owk! So what is my little sister busy doing". Still Wud'i didnt answer her sister as she is feeling very angry this morning.

Nana went mute for 2mins watching Wud'i reading her thought but cannot figure out anything, Nana wanted to asked her what's on her mind? But she is hesitating to asked as she know Wud'i very well she can be difficult sometimes especially when she is sad or angry.
Nana went back and sat on one of the chairs as she did not dare to asked her why she is very tense this morning if she does that too it might end of irritating her and she does not want that at all. She sat for a long time and finally got up as she decide to ask even if it will cause them argument is better.

" Ya rabbi! Wud'i are you alright?". Nana said.

" Mtsw, must you asked me that?!". Wud'i asked.

"Why? What is wrong?". Nana asked again.

Wud'i heat the table and almost hurt Nana with the plate which almost heat her on leg.

"What was that are you trying to hurt me?".

"Yes! If you interfere in my matters I will walh, I see you all are very happy about the old man coming back today with that village champion issues". Wud'i said in anger.

"Wud'i seriously are you talking about our own Father like that?!". Nana asked. Looking at Wud'i's behaviors she is very annoyed by that.

           " OMG! Nana am I wrong?". She asked while continuously starring at Nana who is also looking at her very furious.

" Haba! Do I need to tell you about right and wrong always, when I know already Momy does not allowed such things sh....".

           " What are you saying? Do you think they are right to do that to our Datti?". Wud'i cut her sister up.

" Hmm, I think I am wasting my time trying to put some sense into you, but I am done with you here, also know that parent are not something we can play with always res....."
           " Oh! I hear you sister is owk". She cut her up again who seem to have lost her peace as she can no longer contain her rage as Wud'i is crossing the line repeatedly, She was about to say something when Hady suddenly appear in front of them, which forced Nana to hold it back.

"Well! Well!! Well!!! Look at the two favorite sister's together fighting and arguing with each other, I love it walh carry on don't just stop ". Hady shook her head and sat down looking at them with grin expression.

Both Wud'i and Nana were left speechless they continued to stare at her amazement behavior.

" guys carry on mana!". She shrugged.

Both Wud'i and Nana glanced at each other and at the same time turn away there faces back to there normal chores.

"So you guys didn't  want to do it in my present right?". She asked. But still either of them answer her which makes Hadi very furious, she glare at them with her sad face which indicated how furious the situation has made her, She hist and then left the kitchen.

Wud'i who is washing dishes turn back looking at how Hady is walking her way out of the kitchen. She quickly got up from her chair as she mirrored Hadi's reaction to there fight she chuckle at the same time copying her walking steps.
        Nana join Wud'i like there was never any sort of arguments between them they both continue teasing Hady behind her back. Poor Hadi who is still standing at the corner sneakingly watching them is very furious than before she left with so much anger as she feel very insulted.

"My sister I am very sorry". Wud'i said.

"Is alright but don't do it next time". Nana said while Wud'i nod her head and is giving Nana cheeky thankful smile.
They both hug each other tight feeling happily with each other like different sisters.

The Village...
"Please Boddo wipe your tears". Innawuro said, with so much concern to Boddo who is sad.
She smile at Innawuro wiping out her tears. "I am not crying Innawuro". She said that with a toothy smile on her face.

Tears started to drop at Innawuro chicks, On seeing that Boddo quickly hugged innawuro. Both of them are feeling very sad.
"Stop crying Boddo'an". Innawuro said.
" not cr.....". She couldn't finshi her sentence as she could no longer control it inside. Boddo is crying very heavily now. she sat down on the ground crying a lot.

Innawuro who is also crying go down on her knees trying to calm Boddo by holding her hands. "Please stop!". She said that crying at the same time her voice is shaking.
Boddo is sad becouse the room keep reminding her of her luvly Mother 's memories when she was alive, And also she is sad about her Bappah who left for City, And thinking now about the Marrigae. Her young innocent heart is very heavy full of so much sorrow especially knowing even if she stay in the Village her brothers don't care about her she will be lonely always.

Even thou she have her Loving Father Ardo who so much loves her but his wives will always gets in the way, And she do not like Tawdo or Manga she prefer staying with the Datti as he is her Bappah son.
But she is scared as she never met Datti and she can only hear bad things about City people and there Marriage but the thought of her Bappah and his love for always calm her.

Ardo after his brother Bappah Gidado left he come back to his house, as he was passing by he heard Boddo and Innawuro crying which stopped him from continue going.
He nod his head feeling very sad for his little daughter who is facing a lot at her young age, He sighed. thinking about how things will end of now because he make the biggest mistakes of his life by accepting the 'Sharo' he should have let his brother son go just marry her and left that village. Ardo is feeling very guilty but he promised himself that no matter what he won't marry her of to Manga he will do anything he could to stop that.

Ardo is getting deeper and deeper into his thought that he forgot where he was standing.

Boddo who has already control herself and pack the things she need together with Innawuro come outside of the room she is about to lock it when they suddenly saw Ardo standing next to them.
"Nyaako'an". She call out to him.

But he didn't even hear her both Boddo and Innawuro were Surprised by that, Boddo keep the small bag she is carrying and went very close to her father and held his hand.
Shockingly Ardo wake suddenly from his thought looking at Boddo who is smiling at him, He smile back at her with a grin expression on his face.

Boddo was amused by her father reaction the way he is starring at her, In her heart she is praying to the Almighty Allah that her Nyaako didn't hear her crying. She hate to see him sad at all she always want to see her father and mother very happy she grow up with so much love and care for both of them as she have just them in her life.

When there is Comments there will be a lot's of updates but there isn't then maybe once in a month it will be long long thing👌 May the Almighty Allah continue to bless us all Ameen.👏

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