Different worlds

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               Boom!!! Finally it's here...didn't edit so bear with the errors  I receive some of your comments especially Whatsapp so thanks👌 those asking from the beginning should visit Wattpad and read...because I don't keep copies👏 and keep comments that is writers fuel so if you are not commenting how can we go on? Change👌


"I don't understand your sister since yesterday Innawuro, what is wrong with Boddo?". Innawuro mom said looking very tense.
         Innawuro is also worried as she notice Boddo change behavior she is worried and crying since yesterday. But she does not want her Inna to noticed the sudden change, She want to figured it out first. So she started laughing loudly just so that she can annoyed her Inna.

Innawuro Mom is very surprised by her daughter behaviour looking at her strangely. "Ya Rabbi!". She nodded her head and left Innawuro sitting, who suddenly went silent seeing her mother left she heavily sighed putting her hand on her chest.
          "Alhamdulillah she left but...What do I do about Boddo she does not look happy at all these days'. She said sounding very tense.
           She nod her head and quickly get up from the bench. "If this continues I will have to inform Inna and Ardo, yes I will have, But firstly let me find out what is wrong with her". She said. And went inside the room.

"Salamu Alaikum". Innawuro said.

"Waalaikissalam". Boddo silently replied to her sister looking at her.

"Boddo what are you still doing inside were you crying?". She asked.
Boddo nod her head.
        "Is alright then let's go outside and play". Innawuro said. Trying to grabbed Boddo's hand.
         Boddo quickly move her hands away. "No Innawuro I don't want to go out". She said. Sounding very worried and disturbed.

"Why?". Innawuro asked.

"No Innawuro, I...I don't want to go out yo....you know he is outside?". She said. Sounding very frightened, looking around shaking like she is seeing things very fearful.
          Innawuro is afraid to following Boddo's red eyes which indicates she has being crying a lot the whole day.
          "Boddo who?". Innawuro asked.

"Ma...Manga!". As she mentioned the name she quickly hide her face in her lap shaking.

Innawuro nod her head and laugh clapping her to hands together. "Boddo what's wrong with you! Manga is not here". She said. Trying to behaved normal to calm Boddo.
             Innawuro tried very hard to calm her but all went in vain, she keep asking herself why is Boddo so afraid of Manga? why is she like this? And Boddo is not the type to be this scared very easily, So at the end she decide to tell there parent about it.

"Oh Father, I can't wait for this Sharo to take place so that I can have my Boddo to myself". He said very lovingly closing his eyes licking his lips. The flash of his meeting with Boddo yesterday keep flashing and displaying on his mind, Like it was just happening right now.
         Jauro is very pleased seeing how happy his son is right now. "What is making you this happy my son, you should know there is still time". Jauro said.

"Oh Father, you won't understand!". He said as he open his eyes.

"Alright, I was going out before you came in so, see you soon". Jauro said excusing himself from the room. He left Manga who keep having his day dreaming.


They are stepping out of the plane one after the other, with help of the flight attendance. My eyes were only searching for one person Datti, all the men I have seeing does not match what my eyes want see even though I don't know him but my heart keep telling me he is the most handsome young man on that plane.
        'Thank you sir'. A young beautiful attendance said.
           That takes my eyes to her direct when I saw this handsome young man moving his hand forward to her, Smiling at her showing her to shake it. She smile while trying to do as he asked.

She is about to touch his hand when Suddenly they were interrupted by a young beautiful lady who came out of nowhere and stand in the middle of them.
        He smile at her rubbing his head with a smile, looking at her face expression he quickly held her hand. "Let's go Baby".
        She pulled her hand away from his watching him angrily, He quickly turn around. "Ba...". Her eyes look very sad there was no joy on her face at all, Which render him speechless.

"Come on Beb is not wha...".
        "Shhhh! Not a word I understand, You just want to continue with your habit even in our 9ja so just continue I am out of here". She said that angrily and left. she walked down the plane stairs leaving him looking around rubbing his head with his hand.

The plight attendance nod her head sadly and left.

He was so embarrassed he quickly ran after his girlfriend calling out her name. "Beb Beb! Please wait". Even though she can hear him she didn't even turn back to see him.
       She is very angry at this moment that she didn't want to talk to him at all, Suddenly she stoped walking closing her eyes tightly and squeezing her face.

"Oh gosh! I have to tolerate him now, Ohhh! Calm down Minal you have nobody in this State if not".she said angrily at the same time she hist.
         She turn back and smile at him. "What now?".
         He smile back at her he sighed heavenly. "What are you up to? Do you want to kill me?". He said.

"I wish I can kill you". She muttered under her breath.

"What did you say?". He asked.

"Nothing! Can we just go?". She said.

"Alright Baby let's go I am sure everyone is waiting for our arrival". He said sounding very happy and hugging her at the same time.
         She nod her head squeezing her face. "Whatever, I am so so tired". She replied him.
           "If only she let me have my way I will have collected that beautiful phone no". He grin while rubbing his head.

Datti is so Handsome to describe he is white in reflection, His eyes were as deep as ocean, dreamy as a starry night, as pretty as lotus petals, as mesmerizing as sunrise, as serene as morning dew, are intriguing....there are no words to describe those beautiful sexy eyes.
When he smile, the lines around those delicious eyes, and that cute dimple gave his smile irresistible charm....
He is wearing white shirt design with a dark blue lines, along with a light blue trouser, dark blue belt and dark blue watch all he is wearing looks very perfect on him like it's all made for him, he is very handsome.

All the girls eyes are on him which is making Minal more jealous and sad, That is what always happened whenever they went out together they always argue and fight all the time.
One thing that makes her more upset with him is that he always loses control whenever he sees beautiful girls, What she wants now is for them to get married as she can't wait anymore, she can't afford to loose him.

                     Our Dear bride what a pity Datti is not that simple he loves to play with girls...Omo Minal are sure you will get our groom? Manga what on earth did you do to our Innocent little Boddo☹️ I am sad at today Chapter I know you all are but bear with me to see how this east meet west are going to....become 1...

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