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           Surprise guys...😊 Today I am on time right... Jump in and read and leave your view on comments box as I will also be glad if you shared your views with me... Happy Weekend 👍happy Reading to all.👍


" Come back my son. I am very proud of you my son". Alh.Gidado proudly stated. On hearing this Datti turned and went back to were he was seated before and sat back. " Imagine he is proud when he son is rude to his everybody". One of the men said. "Uhm! Uhm!!". Ardo clear his throat, looking at his younger who looks away dodging the his brother's eyes. As he suddenly feel shy on praising his son right on his brother presence.

" Everyone, keep quiet pls and let's continue with the issue that gathered all here pls". Ardo seriously stated. He looks at Datti who has already been seated. " My son carry on, sorry for the intervention". Ardo gently said. Hearing his uncle apologizing make Datti feels very bad for what he did especially how he tried to walk out on them. He understood his actions are also wrong but saying anything about it or applozing would makes those villagers have another chance to taunt him and his Dad, he understands now they have a lot of enemies. And wonder why? what are his parents mistakes? Is it just because they fall in love and runaway?. Those are the questions that are disturbing his thoughts.

" Datti!". Ardo call out to him. Seeing him lost in thoughts. Datti shake his head quickly trying to gras his concentration back. " On reaching them I tried to make them understand what they are doing is wrong. As everyone here's know it was wrong to misbehave with any woman no matter what both islamically and traditionally". Datti gently stated. His head was looking down as he was talking while playing with the mat. " Yes! Yes!! The boy is right". The crowd started talking. "Yes what he did back there was good". Badde said, nodding his head at the same time. Many of them agreed he did right by saving her honor.

Ardo is very pleased by Datti statements. He closes both his eyes his face was filled with so much happy. On seeing his brother smiling Alh.Gidado feel very proud and happy with Datti's deeds. " Why are you people busy praising this boy? If he was just explaining lovingly and doing what was right then how did Manga end up in that critical condition then". Tukur try again to complicate the situation by opposing there praises on Datti.

All looks turns back at Datti again. " Is a mistake, I didn't did it to hurt him rather did it to save myself from him". Datti said. All are surprised by these statements. " When I was about to leave Manga said he won't let me go as he has to kill 2birds with one stone since i am his rival. Despite how he keep trying I keep on ignoring him and I try to leave when suddenly he  started attacking me he and his friend, while trying to defend myself I pushed him by accident that's when he fall down on the ground". He end the last word with a very low voice.

There was quite mode suddenly like an empty place. " We are about to leave me and her". He said motioning Yidi with his face. " When he friend started screaming calling out his name. I turned back to check quickly that's when I saw him laying there on the ground. I took my phone and on touchlight that's when we saw blood coming from his head, before we could do anything his father arrived at the scene suddenly. I wanted to explained to him but seeing his son laying unconscious he started screaming and shouting, and she dragged me away and leaves with me". He said looking at Yidi who's head is down now. " That is how we managed to returned home. I am disturbed since last night leaving him unconscious is a worst thing to me as I don't want to be blamed in anyway". He added looking at his father.

" Well to me I don't know about other's, but what you did from the start is a good thing. It shows how good and trained you are, and also it shows you are a good person and brave also". " Yes I also agree with Mal.Bello Datti has an hon...". " This is wrong". Tukur angrily said. " Tukur why do you like troubles?". Badd'e asked. " Because I don't believed in anything this boy is telling us, that is why I suggest if we will wait for Manga to get better first so that it can be discuss in there presence before we jumped into conclusion". Tukur angrily stated.

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