The preparation has just begun

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                 Hi everyone! I am having headache today I couldn't edit or follow up nor do I want to disappoint you or keep you waiting until next me with prayer's please🙏 thank you so much and happy Reading bye....

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Kaduna State...

Minal is lost in thoughts, she don't even remember where she was and with whom. Her phone started ringing at the exact time he came out of the bathroom. He was about to talk when she started answering her phone without noticing his presence. " Good morning baby". She said. She went silent after that listening.
      "What?!". She got up quickly. Kamal is also shocked by the sound she make. " No! No!! Don't tell me that story". She replied. After some sec of silence. " You know what Datti? You are such a jerk! Are you a child that your parent will get you married to some girl you don't even know?". She asked angrily. Kamal nod his head while rinsing his hair with the towel. " Look Datti, i am not in the mood for such useless talks pls". She added and hang up the call.

She put her on her head both shaking her head angrily. Kamal giggles which reminded her of her whereabouts she turned back quickly to look. Mistakenly her eyes landed on him wearing nothing but his white towel hanging loosely around his hips. She couldn't help herself to stop staring, seeing his sculpted body, he is a whole full body packaged that she can't even begin to describe how sexy he is making  her loose it completely. she can't denied the fact of how intimate she get whenever she is confronted with him in such situations.

        She subtly lick her lips. Staring at him from up to toe. Seeing her out of controlled already he grin and nod his head. ' Poor Minal! I am sorry that you are so into me yet can't get what you always wanted for to happen. What can i do these are the only things that will help me in achieving my goals so keep dreaming little sister'. He mutter under his breath smiling.

'will I ever have chance to be in his arms like real lover's? I am so tired of brother and sister bond really. This is driving me nuts! Should i confront him with my feelings? No, Minal! What if he is not having same feeling as y...'. "Choco! Cho...". She suddenly come back to her senses.  " It was a bad habit to stare at someone like". He said smiling at her. Minal suddenly feel so embarrassed by what she did.

        Kamal walk closer to her she try to turn away from looking at him as the closer he get the more her heart race. Her heart is beating very fast like it will come out of her chest. With a lot of courage she gather to try and leave. " I...wi...ll be back". She said quickly trying to save herself from the embarrassment of not being able to control herself. " Why? Are you feeling uncomfortable now?". He said looking straight into her eyes grabbing her waist at the same time.

She struggles try to leave and end stumbled into his body. " What happened little Choco?". He asked. Minal close her eyes feeling angry hearing his low voice that is touching her more. ' you are so cruel BG'. She whispered beneath her. ' being cruel is always part of me dear'. He mutter beneath him. She rise her head up where her eyes landed into his. His eyes were already fixed on her . They spend some second staring. His body was still warm and slightly damp from the shower hitting her up. Somehow he find his heart racing he quickly took his eyes of and released his hand quickly from her waist.

       He sighed heavily. " I will get ready now, I will call you ok". He said trying not to get eye contact with her. Minal quickly walk out of the room. After closing the door behind she find herself not being able to walk herself back to her room. She lean her back against the wall breathing heavily she placed her hand on her chest trying calm herself, it took her a few minutes pull herself back in track. She turned and look at the door and found herself smiling. Despite is not the first time she found herself in his body hugging him or sitting on him but this is the first time he touch her this way and act differently she can see lust for in his eyes.

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