Arrived Finally!

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                  Happy Weekend All!
      Hope every of The Bride Fans are doing ok? Goo👌 I want to inform you that you will getting The Fulani Bride Updates Saturday and Sunday due to my busy schedule and many are complaining I know is taking long which is why rather than skipping all the time sometime 1post in 2weeks I decide to give 2pages on weekends which begins this week insha Allahu 🙏 hope you will love and enjoyed it thanks for being patients all the time 🙏 don't forget to votes and comments..... Happy Reading!



“ Ya Allah! Save that little girl from my friend”. Audi said. Laughing at Manga who is also laughing. “ Why do always put pressure on her?”. Audi asked. Manga smirk and sat next to Audi leaning his back against the tree, he shut his eyes smiling.
       “ I asked you question, but instead of answering you are laughing why?”. Audi asked again.  “ I don’t feel the need to answer to it”. Manga said. He open his eyes on Audi who is still looking at him. “it was a useless question  Audi. You are asking me why I was playing with my bride to be calling her a girl, like seriously Audi!”. Manga said. He shut his eyes both off again leaving Audi speechless.

“ But Man…”. The car he saw passing by from distance make him mute suddenly. There were 3 of them passing, all of them a are black in color. Hearing Audi quite and the noise make Manga open his eyes. “ hey Au…”. Looking the direction Audi was looking Manga suddenly went mute himself the cars are very beautiful that many villagers especial children and teenagers were following it shouting and touching it as the cars were moving slowly.

           “ They are here!”. Manga said. He quickly got up. “I should let father know of the useless fellows arrival”. He added. Was about to go when Audi quickly grabbed his hand from behind.  “ please Manga let’s follow them and see them first”. Audi said. In slow voice trying to pacify him into following him. Manga wanted to reject but couldn’t as his heart is beating very fast at the moment he just want to see his opponent.

“ Disgusting! Is my brother bride really lives among these dirty villagers?”. Hady said squeezing her face with a contempted expression.

     “ My gosh! Hadi just look at them damn”. Wudi said shooking her head. Nana looking at her sad brother Datti. She then look at her sisters then started  laughing at them. all of them are surprised with her behavior. Until she noticed all eyes were all on her she stopped suddenly.
“ Ok guys, let me asked us some questions”. She said, looking at them.
“please Nana that questions you want to ask us if you know it will spoiled our mood then. Then please my hilarious sis don’t as you can see now we are already surrounded by some stupid beings”. Hady said, rolling her eyes.  Datti giggles. “ like seriously Hady, are you referring to them as dirty being?”.  Datti asked, looking at Hady who's expression were still  the same as earlier.

Hady quickly turned her head to the other side. " Yes of course". She said without looking.
          Datti giggle. " You know what my sister? I have being sad for a very while now but, what you did make me laugh actually do you know why?". He said.

All eyes are on him except for Hady who is still looking away.. "Don't know!". She answered..

" Do you realized calling those villagers stupid beings  mean calling our parent indirectly?" Datti said. His expression was sad one now. " Do our parents look that to you?". He added.
      " Of course they are not!". She turns back quickly and answered. All of them went mute for a sec. " Whenever you want insult anybody, firstly you need to take a good look at yourself and know what differeciate you from them first". He angry said.

"Don't be ridiculous brother, I am not referring to our parents". Hady said, with her brazen behavior.
      " Are talking to me like that Hady?". He asked. Looking at her very angry.

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