The Mix

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Hi bang! Another Amazing update but soon will be off on wattpad and know what I mean no comments no votes so!

Dedicated to all the Fulani's, Fulbe etc the hausa's👌


Kano state city

She looked away, taking her eyes from her with a frown face.

" please Momy don't let dady to marry that village girl to bro pl.....".

"Shut up! what do you know about marriages?" She said sounding very furious with her daughter who is sitting next to her.

She is very startled by her mother behavior and she quickly stood up glaring at her with a frown face " mom why are you and dad very adamant on this issue? Both you and I know bros datti will never accept su....".

" enough of this discussion Wudi!" She said that angrily and pointing at her hand towards her, which shows her how angry her mother is right now.

" Insha Allahu!" Wudi said that nodding her head up with a grim expression, while dismissing herself from the discussion on seeing her mother reaction and left.

Haj.Aisha nodded her head with a sad expression " how i wish your father will understood this but no he won't nor can I show you my children how unhappy his descisssion is making me but no!" She said that and nod her head again.

" I will never break our moral by showing my children to disrespect their father decision or challenge him someday, my support will always be with him even if that will countinuesly mean my sadness, I will pray to the almighty Allah to make his choice the best one always, and I know Allah is always with us Ameen!" She add at the same time and wipe her tears.

Haj.Aisha always obeyed her husband and she always stand by him, no matter how wrong he was, she always ignores all his mistakes, which always makes her different in his eyes than his other 2wives.

And that makes them very jealous, sad and angry of her, so they always gossip behind her, They also try in many ways to turned her down but always fails. As she has already hold a high stature in his eyes and all that knows her, especially family's even some of there children due to her kindness and lenient behaviors she is like the heart of the house.

" did you hear about what I heard just now?!"

Haj. Asiya roll her eyes up staring at her co-wife friend, looking at her very gently and continuesly smiling at her.

" maman nana I am talking to you but you are rolling your eyes and smiling instead of you trying to hear" she added still waiting to hear what is with her friend.

" oh Amina! You always surprise me how can I miss this news? If a barren woman like will hear then....".

Looking at how Asiya is glaring at her with her furious face makes her discontinued with her sentence.

Before she could continue Asiya has already stood on her feet and already walking out the siting room.

" Asiya!" She called her name.

She turn back looking at maman nana very annoyed with her face " you are very irritating, so bye!" She said, and quickly walk out and left maman nana speechless.

" wai this is serious Umma!" Hady said as she was entering inside her mother's siting room.

" tell me hady what news did you bring for me to celebr...."

" this is all wrong Walh how can you all rejoice when our brothers life is in troubled!"

Hady frown her face looking at her elder sister who is just coming out from there room.

" did you just say trouble? And who is our bro in troubled?" Hady intensely replied that to her sister who is surprise with her behavior.

" Hady are you stupid? How dare y...."she yell.

" shut up! And get out of my sight right now, you are always about those people mtsw, go and blabber that your righteous attitude to them not here" there mother said that sounding very furious.

" but um..."

" I said leave!"

Nana left them feeling very sad, as she hate what they are doing to Momy hajiya Aisha, who has never wish her or them or anybody ill, she is always there for anybody including her enememies

Digil village

Today is the 7th prayer day since Boddo loving mother passed away, and Ardo who lost his loving and obidient wife they are all sad and still moaning her dead.

After the morning prayer all of the visitors were leaving, outside even the men have started biding them farewell as many of them come from different places and villages.

When Manga looked at his father which is like reminding him of something, his father show him to wait seeing how busy Ardo is as many of his guest are already leaving, He and his younger brother Gidado and His male children are attending to them thanking for coming and binding them farewell.

Many of them left even some of there villagers left for work but still Manga and his father are still there, in there left side there is another young man Towdo Ardo is surprise and didn't say anything to them.

" the..."

" Shut up!"

Ardo and others were very surprise by the father and son.

" jauro let him speak! He is like my own son don't prevent him" Ardo said looking at them.

" don't mind him is no....."

" look Manga speak!"

Manga gaze at his father who show no sign of complaints and then started talking.

" is nothing Baffah Ardo but" he wind up like someone who run from a long distance, they are all staring at him patiently to hear what he has to say and they all are very curious about it.

" is about my sister Boddo!"

Hearing him take Boddo's name make Ardo startled and his heart started beating very fast he knows a day like this will surely come, where he and his brother has to face this. He gazed at Towdo which he also knows he was here for the same same reason, the problem now is what will he say and he cannot reject any of them.

Towdo is very scared of what he will hear from Manga which make them both him and Baffah Gidado to stare at Ardo who is feeling very worried and also tired as all the eyes are on him and Boddo's brothers too are there............

Till we meet in Our Next page to See how this will end and to know what is going on why is Ardo Very Afraid..👌 from Mrs.Isa

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