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Boom!!! Mamy Surprise this page is yours👏 even if I don't feel like typing The Bride she always try by asking and commenting on it, I am grateful....Wamu Rukayya inayinki kema...and Finally Faty here it comes...NanafirdausiAbdulsal👍


"Guys guys! Wait up mana!". He scream walking fast to reach them.
They all turned back. "Oh poor sam, we completely forgot about you, right baby?". Datti said looking at her.
"Sorry Sam I am about to go and get you when he start flirting with o....".
"Come on darling don't make it sound lik....".

"Whatever guys I am so tired please, Enough of your arguments and fight I am sure you have had a lot so". He said.
"And so?". Datti asked looking at him.
"Time to go home!". He replied. Full of joy.
They all were smiling and are also looking very happy.

"But what about her?". Datti said looking at Minal.
They all were looking at him strangely.
"Don't look at me like that". He said.
He sighed looking at the way they both are staring at him.

"Well... as you all know I can't take her home". He said sounding very serious this time.
"I thought we have already decided on that! So what now?". She asked out of frustration.
Datti is quite as he don't know what he is going to say to her to understand.
"Answer the young lady man".

"My Family is not like that, are you getting me?". He said looking at her.
"I am not getting you seriously! What's your family not like?". Sam asked.
Datti look at Minal beautiful eyes which were looking very sad this time.
He shut his eyes and open them, licked his dry lips and put his hands on her shoulders.
"Is owk let's try this". He said.

"But what were you trying to told us before about your family?". Sam asked.
"Nothing man, just forget it!". He gasped.
Minal really want ask him something's but she don't want to spoil her mood and his right now, so she keep it to herself.

"Oh! Brother should come o! I can't wait any longer, I am tired of waiting". Hady said while squeezing her face, which makes Wud'i to laugh.
She looked at Wud'i and takes her eyes away rolling them. "Continue laughing". She said.
"Stupid girl". Hady muter under her breath so that no one could hear her.
"Did you say something?". Nana asked.

Hady was about to speak when Wud'i screamed. "Here he comes!". She said pointing her finger towards Datti's direction.
They all followed her hand gestures and saw the young hand some man coming, and were all filled with so much joy and happiness.
"Brother!". Hady screamed his name, which quickly drew his attention to where they were standing. "Momy Dady!".
He ran to where they were standing calling out his parent with so much joy and hugged his Dady.

All of them are so happy to see him after his Dady he try to hug Momy but she move back, she turn away out of shyness as he is her first son.
He understand and turn to his lovely sister's. "Oh my god!". He said pointing at Hady.
"What bro?". Wud'i asked looking at Hady all of them as they didn't see anything in her which he is pointing at.
"Kai Datti, let's go". Dad said, as he and Momy and Maman Nana are heading back to the Car.

"What bro?!". Hady asked, looking at herself up and down the way he looks at her.

"Wow! I cannot just believe my eyes, what a miracle". He said smiling and constantly looking at her up and down.
"Please tell us!". Both Nana and Wud'i said.

"Is so big, I am surprised, I just cannot believe my eyes that my sister Hady is looking so hot and sexy damn it!". He said and ran toward there parent.
He left them looking at him, they were amuse by his new way. They all thought it was something very serious.
On the other hand Hady is very happy about her brother who compliment her beauty, which is why she loves him a lot, he always know how to keeps her happy.

Wud'i on the other side she feel neglected and is very jealous about the compliment, he always praise Hady and plays with her more than he does with her.
Nana notice her new mood but what can she do all of them are the same, if only Wud'i will see it better she will see that Nana is always by her side more than Hady so she didn't see it as bad if Datti and Hady are close.

"Brother brother! Please wait and sit with us". Hady screamed out.

He was about to enter the car, he nod his head and smile, then left his parent car and went to sit them.
They were all happy, and was about to enter inside. "Hello!". Minal said, who none of them even notice.
They all were silent staring at her strangely as she is looking at Datti who is silently watching them with his eyes wondering what to say to them about her.

Seeing that she was looking at him, they all turned looking at him strangely, he smile and turned his away.
"Let's go she is my friend". He said while he open the car door.
"Bros which kind of friend?". Wud'i asked, as they wee looking down at Minal.
She turned away as she don't like the way the are looking at her at all, and went to enter inside the car was about to when Hady quickly call her back.

"Hye! Move we want to sit with our brother". Hady as she pushed her and make her way inside.
Minal is very furious this time and is about to speak, when Datti interrupt as he knows what she can do.
"Hye Minal, why don't you sit at the front I want to sit right next to my lovely sister's.

She went to the front sit not becouse she likes the idea at all frowning her face.

"Where is Mr.A?". Datti said looking around. Which drew there attention "he was right here". Wud'i said looking around.
"Yeah he was". Nana replied.
"But is he I can't see him anywhere?".
"But he is the one that drive us I believe he will be here soon". They all keep wondering about where he went.
"There he is!". Hady said.

Ahijjo is coming from distance with his grin smile coming towards the car, they start hearing there father horn which makes Ahijjo to speed up.
"Where have you being my brother?". Datti asked. He is very happy to see his brother.
"You guys please keep your excitement till we are home please". Hady said rolling her eyes.
"Alright brother drive". Ahijjo enter inside the car, he was surprised seeing a new face next to him, but he don't want to waste time by asking and they left the Airport.

Datti looked in the side mirror and saw Minal face which there is no happiness but sadness. "Ahm Minal!". He said looking at his siblings.
"Yes!". She respond.
"I can't find sam anyway, where is he?". He asked.
She laughed in frustration and turned around to look at him and lifted herself back to the front.
"You should know he left while you are busy behaving like a chil....".
"Are you tr....".

"Shhh, Hady please". Datti said.

The others remain silent despite her annoyance and all wanted to find out what's her relationship with there brother.
Seeing this, Nana gave them a very pleasant conversation in other to keep them busy on their way back home.

There parents are very happy to have him back, Dady can't wait to call his brother and inform him the good news.
Maman Nana is not happy the way Datti neglected her, she never thought what happened back then will still be on his mind till now.
But she promise to get him back in tracked she don't want to loose him, she really want to see him hate Haj.Aisha his mother, that's part of her plans for him, especially about this village thing she want to see how haj.Aisha can coax her son into agreeing to it.

See you soo....don't forget to share your comments 👌 it looks like the game is just about to......✍🏽

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