Chapter 32

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                  Happy Sunday To All My Fans...hope all are doing great? May the Almighty Allah Continue to shower his blessings on us Ameen🤲🏼 Happy Reading👌 Bye!


" Nyaako! Nyaa...".
      " Hey Manga!". Hajara his step mom calls. Manga went mute staring at her.
"Hey you! What are you staring at?". She said, while looking down at her  broom which she is holding. " Look, I am calling my father not you". He shout . He walked straight toward his father's room.

"Are you walking out on me?". She asked. Manga nod his head and went in. She was very furious with his behavior. " Useless boy, always disturbing people peace with his barking attitude like a dog all the time". She added. She nod her head and Continue with her sweep.

" Nyaa...". "Shut up Manga! You wake me up from my sweet sleep with this your shouting regular attitude. Have I not told you to always say Salam before entering this house?". Jauro angry stated staring at Manga with his sleepy eyes which shows he is still sleepy.
          " But Nyaako listen to the news I brou...". " Leave Manga I am ill since yesterday night, so I need rest". Jauro said. He yawn and went back trying to lay down on his mat. " Why do you yawn when you are not sleepy and you just got u...". " Ya Rabbi! What do I do with this boy". Jauro said, he yawn again trying to turn to his left side.

Manga is fanally furious at his father he got up quickly, he was about to leave, he suddenly turn back. " Those city fellows are here!". He said and quick left the room.
        On hearing Manga Jauro quickly got up. " Manga! My son, come back here, what did you just said?". Jauro keep screaming Manga name. But manga didn't even turn for a bit he went back to his room.

Hajara who is still sweeping the ground grin smile. She always enjoy it whenever Manga disobey his father as he never listened to her. " Hajara where is Manga?". Jauro voice hit her ear.
        Her happy mood suddenly change into sad one. "Hey hajara, I asked you something". She roll her eyes before she answered him. " In his room". Jauro nod his head. He went straight to Manga's room.
" My son, why did you ignore my calls?". Jauro asked, with a very calm voice trying to manipulate his way, staring at Manga with his sympathy eyes.
       "You are sleepy father. I think you should go and got some more sleep now". Manga said, without looking at his father.

" Did you see them Manga?!". Jauro curiously asked. " Who did I saw father?". Manga replied.
            Jauro grabbed Manga hand and put into his, there was so much change in his eyes and body as his body is shaking very fast. Manga feel change as his father is holding his hand. He turn back Quickly.

" Please tell me, did you see Shatu and Datti?". Manga quickly remove his hand from his father. He never saw his father like that in his entire life despite he knew his love story with Shatu but never in his life did he imagine his father can change into this after hearing her arrival news after all these years.
       Jauro is looking very terrified. If you see him at this time you surely feel sorry for him.

" Manga tell me please". Jauro said, his voice was shaking, like he will cry, his eyes were fill with tears. What Manga never saw he saw it today. He never knew love could shake his evil father this much.  (But Manga after all everyone has heart I believed).

"Calm down father I saw all of them and there ar...". Jauro quickly went out. There was so much joy on his face and happiness. " Where are you going?". Hajara asked. But Jauro didn't turned back he went quickly.
       Manga follow his father but stopped seeing Jauro already left the compound. " Manga where is he going looking that way?". Hajara asked.

Manga smirk. " Why didn't you asked your darling wife that question". He nod his head and walk towards his room. He suddenly stopped holding his door handled. " Anyway since you asked me then I will do the needful by telling you". He giggles.
         " The thing is that my Nyaako first love is in town so, obviously he will be going to see the love of his life. Happy now". He went in quickly. He left hajara stunned. Standing like a statue.

Ardo's place...

" Mom, look". Wud'i said. Motioning the calabashes which was beautifuly decorated. " Open it I am sure it's Kossam inside it".  Haj. Aisha said, laughing at her daughter who is nodding head saying no to opening the calabash. She looks at Nana who is also smiling at Wud'i. She opened the calabash it was full of milk.
       " Wow! My favorite". Nana said. She took one of plastic cup and fill it with so much Kossam(yourghurt) she started drinking. " Oh my, I can't eat this mom!". Hady said. " Alright! We all will eat. Bimillahi!". Haj.aisha said. She put some Nyiri in one of plastic plate, she put on some Haako soup. And begin to eat it.

Maman Nana and the rest seeing Nana and Haj.Aisha busy eating make them more hungrier. They really want to eat but seeing the plates and the old cups make them don't want to eat especially Hady and Wud'i who are behaving like they will throw up. After haj.aisha and Nana finished eating Maman Nana couldn't keep with her hunger she eats too and the rest follow after her.
         Haj.aisha And Nana keep making fun of there bahevior. After sometime Asma'u enters the room. They greeted each other with so much respect. Both  Asma'u and haj.aisha's eyes were full of tears on seeing each other after so many years.

They couldn't talk about there past as people keep coming to greet them and all her co-wives were in. Even Atine and Inno show so much happiness on seeing haj.aisha she too as they used to be friends Atine and herself back then not knowing Atine is now a different person full of evils.

" Inno did you see how she was behaving like a queen?". Atine jealously asked. "Uhm, I can see that also. But did you also noticed how she is controlling her co-wives?". Inno replied back with questions.
         " I did see that, but don't worry when I am done with her in this village hmm. We will see how long she can be in control". Atine angry stated. Inno was about to replied when Asma'u enters inside the kitchen.

Outside it was almost the same thing as Datti couldn't eat anything they brought to them to eat. Alh.Gidado know of his type so he ask them to brought meat for him as he knew Datti likes meet.

People keep staring at them everywhere they pass or moved. It was hard for Datti seeing all eyes on him. "Father I want to rest if there is an...". " Why are you asking your father Datti? Don't you know I am also your father, so you should ask me if you need anything ok". Ardo said. Smiling at Datti.
         Datti feels shy about it and low his head. Ardo feel very happy seeing Datti like that. " Bello come here". Ardo call Bello. Bello got up and went to his father. "You came with them but didn't show them the room or anything is that how to behaved with one guests?". Ardo said.

Bello nod his head. "Let's go!". He said in a calm voice. Bello and Datti are not in good terms, Datti didn't like people much especially does he does not know. " Datti follow your brother". Ardo said smiling. Datti got up, looking at Bello. " Datti!". Datti turned back to see the person calling him so loud, but before he can look someone suddenly hugged him from behind. Both Ardo and Alh.Gidado are shocked to see Jauro hugging Datti. Everyone in the area is stunned by it, he rendered all of them speechless with his reaction.

          See you next weekend insha Allahu 🙏 thanks for reading always don't forget to votes and share your opinions on Comments box Thanks once again🙏

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