Finally the knot has being tied...

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           Hi everyone 😊 I hope all are doing great...hope so... Here is our last Update on The Fulani Bride Book1 Insha Allahu we will be heading to Book to soon which will be more interesting Insha Allah! Don't forget to drop your Comments 🙏 show some love guys...I am 🤢 that's how my nature is I guess so don't be tired of praying for me please🙏 thanks.


                Not Edited:🚫


" Tonight is the most precious and happiest night of my life". Haj.Aisha said. There was so much  excitement and  smiles on her face despite it was dark but you can still see her face due to the little lamp which is right in front of them both. Alh.Gidado on the other side he look very tense and worried. " You know I have always wished to be with my family, share some happy moments together. But you see now my love you have finally make this dream of mine into reality, now I can visit them so will they. And our chil...". He sighed. Which makes Haj.Aisha discontinued with her talks.

           She looked at him. That's when she notices her darling husband sad face. In a sec her joyful mood change quickly. " What's wrong my dear? You seemed lost". She said. " He sighed. " Is nothing Aisha. I am busy listening to you". " No! You are not". She replied. He giggles. " Is obvious that i look different, because i am so happy, after many years i have finally gives you back what i have taking from you". He end the last word smiling at her.

" Are you su...". " I need to have some rest is a long day tomorrow and yes, tell everybody to packed after the wedding ceremony we are leaving tomorrow". He hurried stated and got up quickly. " Bu..". He left quickly, without listening to her. Haj.Aisha is very shocked about what he just told her. She shook her head. " I think he is just saying". She said. " But...he never joke with such things". She said with her emphatetic voice. She is heartbroken about leaving. She thought she will stay with her family she is reunited with them after so many years now but it seems impossible.

The night seems long for the whole families some are happy while some are not.

          It was early in the morning already everybody is busy with the wedding things.  " Dad". He called his name after greeting him. Hearing him called him that way. Alh.Gidado kept his phone aside knowing it could be a serious thing for Datti to call him like that. " What is it?". He asked. Datti lower his gazed. He grasped. " I wan...I ...wa...". " Just go straight to the point what is it?". Alh.Gidado said. He give out all his concentration to his darling son. Datti closed both his eyes very tight as he is feeling very scared to approach his father with such demand.

" I am listening son". He replied.
Datti opens his eyes. " If you would permit it father then...". He discontinued. Alh.Gidado nod his head and sighed. " Since when did this started Datti?". He asked curiously. " I am sorry father. I..I just want you to allow me take Manga to our Hospi...". " What?!." Ardo's voice hit both there ears without noticing his arrival. Both Datti and Gidado are shocked to see him standing. " I won't let you take that monster son to the city. No way!". He furiously stated. Looking very angry. " Calm down brother. Let's discuss this in a calm way please". With so much efforts they calm him.

        After so much efforts Datti finally got there approval to take Manga to the city hospital but with some conditions which Ardo placed on them. The news of Datti taking Manga to the City after the wedding spread like fire. Some are happy with the decision while some are against it knowing it can be some part of Jauro's plans.
Haj.Aisha is furious with Datti for not discussing with her first before approaching his father. She is also unhappy that his father agrees with him on it.

In Jauro's father hearing about the division of the property he become more greedy especially knowing fully the condition Ardo's placed on him not to follow his son to the city for the treatment is one of them. And also he is not allowed to visit him until he is fully recovered he will be getting news of his well-being all the time only Audi is allowed to followed. Audi is only allowed to stay at the hospital no visiting there house so is Manga after recovering it will be from hospital to village.

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