Ardo's Anger

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            Boddo's Here The Game And Play Has Not know what I mean let's see who win the first round 👌 as we will see so many up and down the love, heartbreak, betrayals, lust etc👌👍

                 Not Edited: take note


You can tell by the look on there faces how worried and sad they were, they are all standing very quite, while Ardo keep moving forth and back in the courtyard which is illuminated by red light, he is looking very angry you can see it clearly in his eyes.
           "How dare Manga try this with my daughter now he has taken her dignity as a woman what do I tell....ya Allah!".  He raised both his hands in tears.

"Brother but I don't think he di....".
           "He has done it already! I have lost my pride as a father I have failed already". He said it in a fit of raged.
"She has waken up!". Innawuro shout coming out of the room running.
        Hearing this Innawuro's mother quickly went inside the room where she meet Boddo crying.
        "Boddo what was it? Will you tell us exactly what happened between you and Manga?". Innawuro Mother asked as she want to clear Ardo's mind about his fear.

Tears began to fall on her cheeks, she quickly lifted her head away from Innawuro's Mother as she is feeling very shy to tell to her, to Boddo those things are shame things to say so she cannot tell.
         "Look at me Boddo". Her aunt said sounding very serious this time with her deep voice.
           Hearing how she sound make Boddo turned back quickly and they faced each other. "Do not be ashamed to tell me everything, you know I am just like a mother to you right?". She asked staring at her.

Boddo nod her head.
        "Alright then tell me exactly what has happened that day?". She said it looking at the door knowing Ardo will be listening.
           " has happened!". Boddo said quickly lowering her gaze down as she don't want to face her aunt.
           Her Aunt nod her head, she got up quickly going toward the door as she was about to go out she turned back quickly looked at her niece, she spend some minutes looking at Boddo who's head is still down.

She shook her head and went out, she meet Ardo on the side of the door.
        "Brother, I told you to stop disturbing yourself nothing is wrong with her I am sure of that I am a woman and my eyes are always on them, If anything has happened I will be the first to notice, and don't forget she is just 13yrs old such things cannot be hidden. Believe me nothing of any sort maybe he scared her but didn't do anything like you are thinking please bro...".
          "If you say so but still I will surely visits them in the morning I will surely meet him and his father". Ardo said sounding very furious.

She sigh. "Alright brother that is a good thing to do but remove all  doubt from your mind please brother nothing is wrong with her she is still pure". She  said strongly, trying to discourage his doubt as she knows him well.
       "Alright then, is late good night". He said and left.

Boddo close her eyes in pain at what was happening is really hurting her a lot. The flash back of what happened between her and Manga started displaying all over her head as her eyes are still closed.
          "Ke! Where are you going?". He shout.
       She is walking when his voice knocked at her head from nowhere, she didn't turned back to see she continue walking despite how scared she is.

"My New Bride I am talking to you". He said. Walking behind her in hurried trying to catch up with her.
        Before she could think up anything he was already in front of her, he sigh and smile at her.
        Boddo quickly try to move back as no one is around the corner.

"Hye Hye! Don't try to run because I won't let you off easily". He said that moving closer to her.
       "Anyway  My love, let me tell you something you are mine wether anyone's likes it or no, so I will advise you to forget that city cousin of yours because he can't compete with me in Sharoo anyone knows this". He laugh and move back.

"And that Towdo not a chance hahahaha". He continues laughing loudly.

Boddo's is very scared her body is shaking her legs, tears all over her face, she try to move her leg but she couldn't as she feels very weak at the moment.
        Looking how scared Boddo was he quickly went silent looking at her very closely, he moved closer to her to the extend they could catch each other's breath.
          Boddo quickly close her eyes and at the same time she gather some courage and she quickly turned her back.

He quickly turned her around and hugged her in his body, he close his eyes because of the way he felt her in his body.
         Boddo is trying very hard to released herself from his body by pushing and beating him but all her struggles are in vain.
       He pushed her against the wall.

Although she did not have any breasts on her chest, that did not stop Manga from stroking her body. Manga was to far, he is not in his right delirium.
          It was her cries and scream that brought him back to his senses. "Please let me go plea...".
          He quickly closed her lips with his, he released her quickly due to the intense bite and spice he felt on his lips.

Before he realized anything he spotted her running away already, he smile and shook his head and left.

She open her eyes as she don't want to remember the warning he gave her while they met again when she is returning home.

Boddo spend her entire night thinking about it to the young Boddo thinks she is dying soon due to how her aunt and mother use to scared them about men, she fear if she is pregnant or she will die becouse a man who is not her Muharrami has touched her, that's bothers her most and she don't want to tell her aunt or father even though he didn't put his hand inside her body it doesn't makes any different to Boddo.

"You are still here Minal, go and rest". Hajiya Aisha said smiling at her.
Both Minal and Datti looked at each other, Minal is the first to take her eyes off him. "Ok Momy thanks, goodnight".
        "Good night my daughter". Haj.Aisha respond. While Minal excuses herself from the sitting room.

Datti who's standing very anxious looking at his mother Haj.Aisha who is about to take a seat.

"Mom!". He called looking at her.
        She turned around and looked at him, Where she notice how strange he looks.
        "Look I think you should go, you really need rest now let's talk tomor...".
     "No mom". He said in his low voice he closer to her.

She took a quick gaze at him and lifted her head away from him, she understood what's on his mind but his position as her first born won't let her discussed such issues she feels embarrassed to, she shy away and left him standing saying she is feeling very sleepy.

He kicked his foot against the center table in annoyance . "Ouch!". If there is anything Datti hate is his mother's behavior of pulaaku one of Fulani's Moral Code.
         He left feeling very low and down the question that bothers him now and always is why can't him share his feelings with his mom, is this so important to her than his happiness she always ignores his problems, just because he is her first born why can't his mother ever be friendly with him? Why?...

                  How will Ardo react to Manga's recent behavior ? Is Sharoo really going to take place...? Will Datti accept his father choice...? These are all the Questions we have...follow me and I will answer all your questions👌👍

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