Furious Innawuro

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       It's here again I am sure Mamy is furious already which is why she is calm... sorry guys I am on knees Mamy Aalina friend🤣 Wamu sorry I won't let you forget again👏


"Innawuro are you alright?". Her mother asked.

Innawuro is looking very tense at the moment as she don't know where to start telling her mother about Boddo recent behaviour.
"Why are you still quite? What is it?". She asked. Looking at her daughter she can tell by her look she is worried,
But she don't want to forced her into telling as she does not want her to lie to her about it, which is why she is keeping it very low and calmed.

She sat down close to Innawuro who is also disturbed. "Maduujo!". She said it with a calmed voice at the same time she held her mother's hand.
Her mother was surprised, she look into Innawuro's eyes which were very empty but full of sadness.
"My daughter what is it? I don't seem to understand you two, I need you to tell me what is going on?". Innawuro Mother asked looking very anxious.

"Mother Man...".

"Innawuro!". Boddo called. Interrupting them.

Both her Goggo and sister Innawuro turned back staring at her surprisingly. "Boddo are you alright?". Her Goggo asked her.
Boddo smiling at her lovingly. "Yes Goggo'an I am very fine just that I am having a terrible headache since last night". Boddo said looking at Innawuro who is amused by her.

"Come here Boddo'an, you are sick and you didn't inform me about it why?! How are you feeling now?". Her Goggo asked these questions looking at her very worried.
"No Goggo Walh Alhamdulillah, is gone now I am very fine".
Goggo turned back to Innawuro looking very furious at her. "Are you crazy Innawuro? How can you not tell me about your sister's illness? What if som....". Boddo hugged her suddenly which made her discontinue her sentence.
Innawuro joined her they are very happy.

Boddo is looking very sad behind her Goggo, but she doesn't want them to find out about what happened between her and Manga.
What bother's her now is how to keep Innawuro from telling them as she can still remember how Manga warned her.
"Hye!". Goggo said while removing Boddo from her body. "Please Boddo don't do this again if are sick or anything like that don't keep it to yourself always inform me so that I can take good care of you ok". Goggo said looking very tensed.

Boddo smile at her Goggo. "Insha Allahu Goggo don't worry I will never do it again". Boddo said helding her Goggo hands.
She smile back at the two despite she find Boddo behavior strange. "Alright I have put Nyiri on fire let me go". She said. Leaving them standing staring at each other.

"Boddo what was that! How can you lie to mother?". Innawuro said out of anger.
      "Please my sister I did that because I don't want to put them in trouble please try and under....".
        "No I won't! And I will tell her, I won't support you on this until you told me everything that has happened between you and that good for nothing Manga". She said all this out furiousness.

Boddo move towards Innawuro and held her hands, like she will cry she doesn't looked very happy. "Please Innawuro forget about all that which has happened as it won't makes  you happy at all plea...".
       Quickly Innawuro push Boddo and move away from her staring at her with a furious  face. "Seriously Boddo I won't keep quite because is not something which I can, I have seeing how worried and sad you were it most be something very serious so i...".
"Shhhh! Please Goggo will heard you". Boddo said looking back wether her Goggo is coming as she heard some sound coming from there kitchen.
       "Let her hear!". Innawuro said as she is getting more angrier.
       "Owk let's go inside I will tell you all about it". Boddo said giving Innawuro a sign to go inside, she start leaving first and Innawuro follows they all went in.

Kano City....
The dinning is very quite you won't heard anything but sound of spoons, they are all eating together peacefully smiling at each other time to time which shows how happy the family are at the moment.

"Do you care for more?". Maman Nana asked looking at Datti who just said "Alhamdulillah". With a smile as he is full already.
       He looked at her and quickly take his eyes off. "No is ok". He said sounding somehow, they all look at him strangely they all are shocked to see that he still hasn't let go of the past.
       Haj.Aisha want to speak suddenly Was interrupt by her husband, who is giving her eye signal not to as is not the right time to all these things.

After they are all done Haj.Aisha looked at her grown son and the girl siting next to him. "Datti you still haven't told us who she is?". Haj. Aisha said looking at Minal who's head is looking down, as she herself she want to hear him introduce her to them.
       Datti start laughing heavenly which makes all of them to stare at his strange  behavior, he laugh a lot looking at the they are staring at him he quickly slow down and quickly get up from his chair, and move to his mother back and put all his hands around her smiling.
         Haj.Aisha is amused staring him. "Don't tell me Indian series has made you people feel that I can get married and bring her to you from abroad". He start laughing again.

"Stop laughing just answer your mother Dady said looking at his son.
       "Ok ok! I am sorry this is Minal". He said that, pointing at her direction, she secretly smile feeling so much happiness as today D is going to introduce her to his family.

     Maman Nana said looking  at Minal.
Dady and Momy were both staring at him, he smiled again.
      "Mina is.....just my friend sister!". He said quickly taking his eyes of her as she quickly raise her head up looking at him strangely.

"Eyya, where is her brother now exactly?". Maman Nana asked again as she want to figured out something's.
        "Ahm, he is not in the same country with us, just that he asked me to bring her with me before their parent send car to come and pick her". He end it puting his hand on his chest as his heart is beating very past and he was still smiling at them.

"But brother is she from thi...".
      "No! Kaduna by tomorrow they will pick her up". He said it quickly and excuse himself from the conversation.
        Maman Nana heart rate dropped and she quickly picked up the glass cup. "Alhamdulillah! Walh I thought he is in love with this Girl i have started asking myself this questions". She quickly cut it short and started drinking her water, watching them. They all stared at her.

"What are you talking about?". Dady asked looking at her.

Remove the glass cup from her mouth, she shook her head. "It was nothing just didn't know what will have happened with that village girl what's her name again...".
         "Boddo". Wud'i answered her quickly.
        Terrified, Minal quickly looked up at them, she is very terrified to hear their words, her chest throbbed so fast, it was beating like it was going to explode and probably disintegrate completely.

Both Maman Nana, Wud'i, Hady are looking at her smiling as they all have something's on there minds.
          Minal is heartbroken and don't know what to do as she is already at there place.

Both Momy and Dady left the dinning feeling so much happiness about there son......

            Looks like we have players already...will Boddo tell us what exactly happened between she and Manga? How will Minal Manage the situation? How will Datti feel who is going to informed him about the arrangement will he accept? What is with those 3?.....let's meet in our next Epi.

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