Chapter 41

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      Hi everyone 👋 we are here again.... happy Reading...👌

                    Not Edited:


The Village.......
" What?!". Atine asked staring at Yidi. " Yes father require her presence right now". Bello replied, he left them. " Atine was very shocked by this she never thought Ardo will require her niece Yidi presence at the meeting. "Goggo". Yidi call out to her. But she didn't response. as she was busy planning on what to asked Yidi to tell her husband and the rest. On seeing her Aunt deep in thought, Yidi knew it was more important to attend to Ardo's call as it's urgent since he requested it. She got up and left. A few second later. " Loo...".she saw an emptied space. She was heartbroken as her evil scheme chance has slipped right under her nose.

          " I am sure Ardo is going to ask her about  last night incident". She said quickly nodding her head at the same time. "Yes! Am sure of it". She added frowning her face. " What if...". She discontinued rolling her eyes. She grin this time with sound nodding her head. " Anyway I am sure whether he tells them the secret or not my plans will not foil. Whatever happens it will be I will be the one to gain from it the most since I am the master of the game now". She said nodding her with so much happiness. Her younger son suddenly barge inside her room where he find his mother smiling widely like a fool.

He nod his head. " I am sure she is busy plotting something". He said moving closer to her. He grined. And touched her quickly without her noticed. Which quickly brought her back to her senses in so much fear shaking like she was seeing a ghost. "Who is it? Who is...". She screamed. Seeing him right in front of her laughing make her angry. She extend her hand to hit him. He quickly move back laughing heavily. " How dare you Ameen! Am i a joke to you or something? Have you gone mad?". She keeps screaming  at him. " I am sorry mother, is just that I found you  lost in thought, scheming your ev...". "Shut up!". She shouted at him.

          Ameen suddenly went mute seeing his mother reaction she looks very angry. And at such stage he knows how bad she can get at him. "". "And now whyis your voice shaking? Has cat cought your tongue or what?". " Uhm...Manga's father asked you to meet him right away". He ended in a very low voice eyes looking down. Hearing the news suddenly brought changes to her face, her anger vanish in just a blink. " Alright! Alright!!". She said looking at Ameen who is now looking at her surprisingly. His mother changes anytime she want. ' how did she do the changing thing? Is she also a chameleon? Because all her attitude and behaviors are just like that as the describes'. He said beneath him. ' "mother is just like a chameleon sh....". "What?!". She asked loudly at the top of her voice.

Ameen suddenly placed hand on  his lips closing it. He never thought knew he poured it out like this. " Whatever! I will go and see him. When I got back I will deal with you so severely that you won't be able to repeat such words. She took her veil and quickly went out of the room leaving him standing like statue with his hand on his lips. " I forgot to tell you. when your father comes out of the meeting and ask about my whereabouts  tells him I went to see Shatu and her family ok". She said loudly. Ameen sighed heavily as he escaped his mother's wrath. She was about to walked out when she suddenly remembered the meeting. She head back to her room quickly where Ameen was sitting on the mat. On seeing his mother walking inside very fast he got up quickly.

     " Hey Ameen where did you say you saw Jauro?". She asked staring at him. " Uhm I saw him on my way". He said looking at her reaction. "Yes! I remembered". He added. " What did you remember?". She asked moving closer to him. " He said that he is not going to attend the meeting you can meet him at your usual place". He stated very fast. " Ok, bye now". She said in calm voice. She was surprised that Jauro is not attending. She left with so much thought.

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