Manga unconscious

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          Happy Reading I have no words to say...I know you understand also have a wonderful time.


" Are going to stay staring at him like this the whole day or what?". Hajara said, standing by the door looking at him. Audi nod his head quickly. " No, I won't go anywhere. Because my friend is in this state because of me". He replid with his emphatic voice, looking at Manga with his tearful eyes. She shrugged. " Whatever! If you like stay with him like this forever, I don't have business with you people". She stated while leaving at the same time.

         "Don't worry my friend. We will surely teach this stupid boy a lesson when you wake up". He wipe out the tears that was falling down from his sad eyes. "So please Manga do wake up please, get well so that we could take our revenge from that city foolish guy". He added, grabbing Manga's hand to his.  " Hajara!". A voice of a woman came from the door.  Audi didn't react to the voice outside, he continues checking on his friend.

"Salamu Alaikum! Hajara are you inside?". She asked again. "Waalaikissalam!". Audi replies. "Ah! Dije is that you?". Hajara asked. " Hmm! So Audi you are inside and you  can also heard me but choose to neglect me right?". She said while putting her head inside Manga's room. " Oh! Let him be let's go inside". Hajara said smiling to her friend on reaching the scene. " Walh I am surprised to see that he was inside while I am shouting your name all over the house, anyway that was not why I am here". " Why will I answered?! Do I look like Hajara by any chance?". Audi angrily said. Manga's is covered with a white bandaged I wonder what has happened to him last night....

            " So, after what has happened to your friend Manga you still have the guts inside you didn't you learned your lessons already? How I wish he hit both of you maybe you will have mend your ways by now mannerless boy, huh". She replied angrily staring at him. " Oh please Dije let's go inside don't waste your energy on useless boys like them". Hajara stated pulling Dije's hand. " Is Jauro not yet back?". Dije asked while leaving.

Hajara is surprised by her friend question. " Why did you asked? Did you saw my husband anywhere?". Hajara tensely asked. Audi nod his head. " Hypocrites! That's what they are hun". He said, and continue fanning his friend with hand fan. " Hmm, that your husband did something very stupid this morn...". " What? What did Jauro did and why are you calling him stupid?". Hajara hurriedly asked. " Let's go in first cause I am sure he is on his way back from there". Dije said, looking around. Hajara look very worried and is very curious to heard the news her friend brought to her.

        " Your husband has created a big scene this early morning at the mosque". "What?!". Hajara asked in shocked. "Shhh, don't shout". Dije said, looking around the door. "But what kind of havoc did he course?". Hajara curiously asked. Staring at Dije sadly. "From what I heard from my brother I will tell you". Hajara said. "Then tell me! I am getting more and more anxious so just tell me ok!". Hajara stated. " Alright, your husband went to the mosque threatening that city boy I don't no his na...". "Datti!". Hajara hurriedly said. " Yes him, your husband said he is the person that beat up Manga last night, and then there was a lot of talks between them. Yes I also heard that Ardo already asked them all to meet around 10am for a meeting about what happened last night". Dije narrated all that happens to Hajara. Hajara heavily sighed.

Dije quickly looked at Hajara who is smiling. " Why are you smiling now  Hajara? I thought you will be worried about your husband and what if this make Ardo change his mind about the Sharo and gives his daughter to his brother son, will you be happy about that?". Dije asked. Hajara grin smile. " Well! If that can possiblly  happened I will be the most happiest person on this earth. Nothing makes me happier than seeing both father and son loosing that girl". Hajara happily stated. Dije nod her head, she sighed. " I am not surprised by your answered rather surprised by the facts that you are not thinking right". Dije said while moving backward.

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