Making Out In A Bathroom Stall?

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Savannah's POV

"Is that Harry Styles?"


"Did someone say my name?" Harry slurred.

I slapped my hand over his mouth. "Shhh."

"In there." Short Shorts pointed at a local convenience store. 

We were 6 minutes away from The Rear End. We could have probably sprinted for it, if we didn't have a drunken Harry Styles. I wasn't going to take the risk of a pink, furry picture of Harry Styles on the cover of People's magazine. 

I could feel Harry's mouth contort into a laugh as I shoved him into the store. The girls followed me into the back as we dodged behind shelves, avoiding nearby customers as well. 

"The bathroom?" Short Shorts suggests again. I nod in agreement. 

I let stalker girl enter the women's bathroom first to make sure no fangirls were in there. She waved and we entered.

I almost had a heart attack. Standing in front of the mirror was a woman reporter, a camera around her neck. She applied a dab of dark red lipstick to her already-red lips. I shoved Harry into the first stall that was not parallel to the mirror with me following. I immediately lock the stall door, still shaking. I hear Shelby and Short Shorts spark up a conversation outside the stalls. Maybe to blend in?

I hear the door to the bathroom swing open and the sound of heels clicking reach just before our stall. I am holding my breath by now. 

"Did you find any of them yet?" A voice asks the other reporter I assume.

"Not yet. I wonder if they lied to their fans about the meet up," Another voice replies.

" I don't think so. I saw Liam Payne and Zayn Malik inside the club."

I almost forgot about Harry. "Yo-" I put my pointer finger to his lips and mouth Shhh. He completely ignores my request beginning again saying "You're so hot-" My eyes widen as the talking outside the stall halts. The heels click over to our stall. A knock on the door. My heart is going to explode.

"Who is it?" Harry asks in a sing song voice. 

"Is there a man in there?" The reporter asks. 

I hear Shelby and Short Shorts stop their conversation. The room is now dead silent. 

"Ye-" I push my lips to his to cut him off. I swear to God my heart is beating faster than an Olympic sprinter runs. We continued kiss as she presses her ear to the door. 

"Wow doing it in a bathroom stall isn't classy." I could see her rolling her eyes in my head. 

The ladies immediately left the bathroom disgusted and we broke from the kiss. Relieved, I opened the stall door. The girls stared at me.

"What did she hear?" Short shorts questioned.

I shrugged. "Let's get out of here."

We managed to sneak down the rest of the block and got back to The Rear End. Okay, I just realized how odd that sounded. Maybe that is why they named it that.

"Okay. Now we need to sneak in here. We don't need anyone else seeing him like this." I gesture to the a bunny acting like ballerina.

"Wow this is so cool!" exclaimed Short Shorts.

"Maybe we can try that window?" asks Shelby. She points to a window with a reasonable height.

The opened window belonged to a bathroom.  Stalker girl and I helped Shelby and Short Shorts wiggle their way up into the bathroom window. Then, Harry and I helped Stalker Girl into the bathroom. Although, it was mostly me because Harry was busy singing lyrics to Gotta Be You.

"Okay, Harry, I need you to left me up to the window."

He managed to somewhat lift  me up to the dirty window. I pulled myself the rest of the way into the window. I need to start working out more. My legs dangled over a toilet. I slowly descended over the toilet;however, I slipped and my foot landed directly in the toilet water. Wow I am so graceful. 

"Harry?" I called from the top of the toilet.

I heard him jump from outside the window. He gripped the window pane and pulled himself over into the bathroom. He was pretty coordinated for a drunk person, to be honest. 

"Okay, stay here, Harry." 

He gave us a puppy dog face. I gave him one back, teasingly.

"C'mon girls." 

We walked out of the women's bathroom and back into the area where the rest of the boys were.

"Hey did you find Harry?" Zayn asked

"There are naked pictures of him everywhere!" Niall exclaimed. 

"You're welcome." Short Shorts sassed. 

"Yeah he's in the women's bathroom," I reply to Zayn.

Liam and Zayn follow us back to the bathroom. I open the bathroom stall door to  reveal a pink, fluffy Harry Styles passed out on the floor.

"What happened?" Zayn asked.

"Don't ask." I answer.


Hey amazingness!

Hope you enjoyed this update! 

I am excited to announce my new 1D fanfic that can be found on my profile called 'The Accidental Kidnap'. Also I am starting to create 1D imagines so check that out as well.

I am sad to say that the book is coming to an end with only 10 more chapters to go! And yes in the end Savannah will choose between the two boys. Who do you think it will be?

- Jessica xoxo

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