Our Little "Friends" Are Back

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I'm back...our friends are back...LETS GET THIS PARTAAAY STARTED!

- Jessica xoxo

Word from the One Direction's management says they have contacted the boys and they were found at an sports park named 'Greg's Sports Land'. They are currently on their way to pick up the band now, so they can make it in time for the concert, which will be in 5 days.

Savannah's POV

I touched my lips. I could still feel the warmth. Everything felt like it was brighter than the sun. I shook the feeling off and got up. I just need fresh air, that's all. Yes, fresh air would be good now. I walked outside towards the water bumper boats. The water slowly rippled, but none of the boats moved. I was a little confused by this. Only movement can cause ripples, right?

I rubbed my temples. Why can't we just have a fun trip like we were supposed to? Why can't I ever have my way?

I should probably go join the groupies. I started walking back into the building when, I felt huge arms wrap around my waist. I screamed.

"Got her!" the man shouted.

I screamed again.

"Good throw her in the back." 

"Mommy, can I go back on the boats?" 

"No, we're leaving now."

Wait a minute...I recognized these voices and people. It was the family who tried to hold us hostage....

Harry's POV

"So what do we do now exactly?" Kimmy asked.

"Wait." Zayn said.

She nodded and put her head in her hands. Suddenly, we heard a scream and car doors. We all glanced at each other. Kimmy was the first one to get up and run outside. We followed.

As we neared the doors, I saw a white van parked outside. It looked familiar with a smashed window. Suddenly it rang a bell...it was the family that had attempted to kidnap us.

Let's just say our little "friends" were back and they aren't making it easy for us to get to Montgomery, Alabama.

We made it outside, but it was too late. The white van disappeared into the road far away. 

"They took Savannah." Kimmy turned around with a frustrated look on her face. 

"Now now don't make assumptions so quickly my dear. Let's just take a look around." Louis stated, although he didn't look sure himself.

So sure enough we walked around screaming Savannah's name, but we never received an answer.

"Okay..it's okay to panic now."

Savannah's POV

"So how will this help us get the big bucks?" with this he was referring to me. 

"Well those boys are obviously drawn to her, so they will come and get her sooner or later. She's basically bait." Being used...wow not like I haven't felt this feeling before.

I sat in the trunk of the van with my wrists tied together with a bandanna. Now I just needed the boys...that is if they even cared. They're a famous boy band why would they even care about saving a girl like me when they could just go home to their fancy vibrating, leather couches.


Hey amazingness.

Short I know! I'll try and get another chapter up this week. I don't want you all to be in suspense like this..I'm not that mean. 

Love ya all.

- Jessica xoxo

Stranded With One Direction...AGAIN? (Sequel to Stranded With One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now