What Happens In Bibb City Stays In Bibb City

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** Breaking News! **

The boys from One Direction are still missing. Their management has started a search party. They are hoping to find the mysterious boys before their Take Me Home Tour, which starts next Thursday. That's 7 days to find 5 boys!

Savannah's POV

I really was expecting to see more people at Bibb City because Dillard had such a small population. As we walked into the subway station in Bibb City, I could already tell that there was no difference. We had been transported from one small city to the next. 

"I'm hungry!" Niall whined while patting his stomach. 

"Me too. We should get something to eat," Kimmy suggested.

My stomach started to growl as well. I nodded.

"Maybe we can go to Friday's?" Harry asked.

So we strolled down to the Friday's at the corner of the block. The city was dead silent except for a couple cars that would pass every so often. We entered the restaurant and right away we were seated. I glanced around the restaurant. It was very plain, not much like the Friday's we had in South Dakota. 

I ordered a lemonade and so did Kimmy. Niall got a coke. Liam ordered a sprite. Harry and Louis ordered tea and Zayn got Dr. Pepper. 

"So where do we go from here?" Zayn asked.

"Well I'm guessing if we could find a bus I think it may be able to take us to somewhere in Alabama because Bibb City is near the border of the two states," Liam said.

"Or we could just hitchhike," Niall offered.

"Are you kidding me? Hitchhiking is dangerous!" Liam exclaimed.

"Yeah, but considering this town's low population it's probably like Dillard, it doesn't have much crime. I'm sure we can find someone who is nice and won't recognize us."

"Niall's got a good point," Kimmy agreed.

I wasn't so sure about this "hitch-hiking" thing either. It could go good or bad depending on who is driving us. I remember in school they always taught us not to hitchhike because we could be kidnapped or be cut up into tiny little meat loaves or something.

"I'm with Liam on this one," Zayn said.

By then our drinks arrived. The lady set down each of our drinks and we ordered our food. 

"I think we should hitch hike," Louis added.

This was going to be one heated conversation. Since the only other customer in the restaurant was a weird magician in the corner, our food came quickly. I really hadn't eaten since the last time we were at McDonald's, which I think was two or three days ago. I shoved the delicious greasy french fries into my mouth and continued to listen to the heated conversation.

"Yes, but don't you think the driver may make us pay for the gas or something?" Zayn questioned.

"I doubt it..see it's all about finding a good driver," Kimmy stated.

"What do you think, Savannah?" Harry asked me. 

I quickly finished chewing the bite of food and said, "Well I think its kinda of unsafe."

Then I returned back to my food. If I could I'd marry food. I wonder if it's legal in any state. 

Liam's POV

After an early lunch, we walked around. We really couldn't do anything because we couldn't agree. Then I saw something. Something amazing. Our hero!

A telephone booth.

"Lads look!" I exclaimed pointing toward the telephone. Why hadn't we thought of this earlier?

"Does anyone have a quarter?" I asked once we reached the booth.

"I do!" Louis said excitedly. "But I have to make the call."

Louis inserted the coin and dialed a number. We watched curiously. 

"Hi El."  He called Eleanor. The last time I heard them talking was when Louis and her were fighting. "Yes. I'm really sorry. Yes we're okay. Can you just let Simon know we are okay? We're in Bibb City, Georgia. Thanks." He choked up a little. "I-I love you El." And with that he hung up.

"Eleanor says she is going to notify Simon that we're okay and where we are at. I think they will be here to pick us up."

I nodded. Everything was settled. We weren't-

"Guys, I got us a person to drive us!" Niall exclaimed.

I can't believe I didn't see Niall wonder off. 

"Niall, management is going to pick us up soon," I called.

"Well we don't technically know if they are actually coming," Zayn stated. "Just because Eleanor tells them doesn't mean they will come."

Zayn walked up to the car and took a sit next to Niall in the back. Just looking at the car made me shiver. Kimmy was the next one to go in the car who practically dragged Savannah along with her.

"We can't just let them go alone," Harry mumbled, walking towards the car.

I can't believe we are really this desperate for a ride to Alabama.

As I entered the car, I could smell a cigarette smoke. There was a man at the steering wheel with a cigarette and a woman sitting next to him. In the second section of seats was an eight year old. The family actually looked clean. The father had his hair slicked back. He had a little bit of hair around his face. He had brown eyes and a small nose. The mother had blonde hair and gentle blue eyes. The child had features from both parents. 

I took a seat in the third section next to Savannah. Maybe this ride wouldn't be too bad. 


Hey amazingness!

It's been awhile again hasn't it?

Love you all enjoy the gif on the side. >>>>

I really couldn't find anything to do with the 'Magic' song but I promise the 'Wheels On The Bus' song will have to do with the next chapter lol.

- Jessica xoxo

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